RE: You know you play ed too much when... (Full Version)

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TurkishIncubus -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/28/2011 10:42:21)

When i want to play different game that means i played ED too much so i need to give small break.

Joe10112 -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/28/2011 16:47:16)

You know when you play too much ED when you calculate how many battles wins/losses it will take you to level up.

You know when you play too much ED when you make builds in your head during class. I like that one.

Dax -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/28/2011 16:53:47)


You know you play ed too much when... When you dream about it.


You know when you play too much ED when you make builds in your head during class. I like that one.

You know you play ED too much when duel for 24 hours straight, not once, but twice to set daily records. (I don't recommend it, the last 8 hours are somewhat unpleasant)

You know you play ED too much when you make the daily top 15 board several times a week.

You know you play ED too much when you NPC every waking hour that you have access to a computer.

Fay Beeee -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/28/2011 16:59:08)

You know you have played Ed too much
When you dream that you battle all night.
Then wake up and see if your wins have been added and cannot (for a little while) wonder why you do not have more. lol

DeathGuard -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/28/2011 17:08:06)

When you most keep your faction alive everyday, is a hard work but worth it.
When you try to reach a record to be 1 year consecutively active ( that's me xD)
When you're fustrated for not having commander title[:@]

rej -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/28/2011 17:54:19)

i actualy dream about Epicduel all the time... hmm.. *hint hint*

when you start seeing things linked to epicduel all around you

hey, that floor lamp kind've looks like Cadens Wrath.... Hmm... that bike reminds me of The Chopper....

hardcore59 -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/28/2011 18:14:33)

when you let someone shoot you 'cause you'll get rage next turn

When you die (in real life)you're last words are noob/gg

I have merged your posts. Please use the edit button instead of double posting. ~Dax

voidance -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/28/2011 18:29:46)

I tend to say lol or pronounce lul in real life so that's how I know I play internet games too much.

Stabilis -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/28/2011 19:53:43)

You don't stop making alternate accounts.

Posts edited. No need to stretch the page with "...." ~Mecha

I am Primal -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/29/2011 11:59:51)

u play too much if u are in all times leader boards it gets soo boring e.e btw just to let people know i've retired now :/

Clutch -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/29/2011 12:53:15)

You know you play ED too much that when you have a couple of minutes, you try and get in a couple of NPC wins.

You know you play ED too much if you have ever planned your day around playing ED.

** You know you play ED too much if you have ever started playing ED during a professor's lecture in college. :P

Not that i've done any of these things [;)]

InceptionAE -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/29/2011 14:16:41)




I always see a bike and say that's a chopper in ED? O.O

On-topic: You know when you play ED too much when.. You have lunch while playing ED. (I love doing that. xD)

nico0las -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/30/2011 1:27:33)

You know you play too much ED when you're on 2+ all time leaderboards.
You know you play too much ED if you're lying in bed at 1:30 AM, postin on the forums through your iPod. That's me.

Lord/Fredd -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/30/2011 1:36:45)

When you are lv 34

Celestine -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/30/2011 1:37:20)

You know you play too much ED if you can capture a flag by yourself.

You know you play too much ED if you already know what you are going to click, before it appears.

You know you play too much ED when it keeps you from doing chores.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (8/30/2011 2:20:09)

You know yu play epicduel.. that when you leave people realize and get really excited when you come back ^^

King of tac merc -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (10/19/2011 20:50:13)

You know when you play too much ED when you make to much critical hits. i love critical hit.[:D]

PivotalDisorder -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (10/19/2011 21:12:32)

You know you play ed too much when...a guy with 50,000+ wins says you have no life.

You know you play ed too much click 2v2 and there are no tactical mercs.

The Death Trap -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (10/19/2011 21:42:14)

u know when ur playing ED too much when u look at the clock and its past your bedtime :p

Stabilis -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (10/19/2011 21:46:47)

I said stop, and it did.

I looked upon the result, and I was happy.

PivotalDisorder -> You know you play ed too much when... (10/19/2011 21:54:21)

someone DID necro this topic :)
Merged into the existing thread. Please use this thread instead of making a new one. If there's anyone minimodding, please PM a forum mod or ArchKnight and we'll handle it. Making a new thread isn't necessary. ~Ashari

TrickoTreat -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (10/20/2011 0:09:39)

YOu know you play ED too much when you fail your exams with less marks than your character.

comicalbike -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (10/20/2011 5:35:36)

you have to buy varium at the very high price it is
you know you dont play enough when dax overtakes you

drinde -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (10/20/2011 5:43:50)


You know when you play too much ED when you calculate how many battles wins/losses it will take you to level up.

You know when you play too much ED when you make builds in your head during class. I like that one.


You play ED too much when you scream at a loss. Not guilty.

You play ED too much when you are dead serious on getting a win. Mebbe guilty, mebbe not...

Larcell -> RE: You know you play ed too much when... (10/20/2011 6:59:01)

When you login after a month of inactivity. [;)]

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