RE: Multi Language - Necessary? (Full Version)

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Joe10112 -> RE: Multi Language - Necessary? (8/28/2011 14:44:18)

Maybe on the options list, there is "Change Language To" where all NPCs and stuff have their text translated to that language in a drop down menu. Player chat remains as is though, as it would be too hard to code that I believe.

MirageD -> RE: Multi Language - Necessary? (8/28/2011 14:51:04)

i don't think this is a good idea, unless there is a translator for all languages back into the listening player's native tongue, which i think will be really hard

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Multi Language - Necessary? (8/28/2011 14:56:10)

Fay im not sure AQW has a portuguese server that has more users on it then the most active open chat english server so a portuguese server on ED might bring a highly active server into EpicDuel

Basicball -> RE: Multi Language - Necessary? (8/28/2011 15:02:08)

@fay, well, then i don't support, i'd really hate if it suddently everyone would speak portugese

Fay Beeee -> RE: Multi Language - Necessary? (8/28/2011 15:38:39)


Soon* EpicDuel will be available in multiple languages, starting with Portuguese. It's a good thing we don't have as many quests as the other AE games, or that task would be monumental!

Well may be I am wrong but I am reading this as the 'non-English languages will be translated from their native tongue into English, and I hope the other was too'.
May be I misread this?

Basicball -> RE: Multi Language - Necessary? (8/28/2011 15:47:34)

'will be availible in' means it will be translated from english, not to

Wootz -> RE: Multi Language - Necessary? (8/28/2011 15:55:29)

It has its Pro's and Con's.
The only way I'd use Croatian is if I translated it since grammarly Google Translate sucks.

Darkeroid -> RE: Multi Language - Necessary? (8/30/2011 4:18:17)

The chat wont be affected.Only other pages such as stats and npc's stuff will be translated from english to _________.I hope there is bangla ;)

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