Gingkage's Scribbles (Full Version)

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Gingkage -> Gingkage's Scribbles (8/29/2011 7:28:58)

The link to the story can be found here. If you have questions I'll answer them, but they'll probably be answered later in the story.

It seemed like a great idea when Therril did it, so here's a story log.

8/29/11-Added the first part of the story (7:27 AM)
8/29/11-Added the second part of the story (5:39 PM)
8/30/11- Addded the third part of the story
9/1/11- Added the fourth part of the story
9/4/11- Added the fifth part of the story
9/6/11- Added the sixth part of the story
9/30/11- Added the seventh part of the story
10/13/11- Added the eighth part of the story
12/1/11- Added part nine of the story
12/6/11- Added part ten of the story
1/22/12- Added part eleven of the story
2/7/12- Added part twelve of the story
4/25/2012- Added part thirteen of the story
5/23/2012- Added part fourteen of the story
9/1/2012- Added part fifteen
9/15/2012- Added part sixteen
10/7/2012- Added part seventeen
10/18/2012- Added part eighteen
2/17/2013- Added part nineteen
4/21/2013 - Added part 20

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (8/29/2011 7:41:39)

Very interesting story, but could you tell what in which AE game your story is set?

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (8/29/2011 7:46:52)

DF. Thanks for reminding me to add that.

Shadow Ravena -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (8/29/2011 14:19:17)

Hmm, interesting! Can't wait to learn what the colors of the aura's mean ;)

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (8/29/2011 16:04:12)

Same here. JK. I have a key that has the meaning of auras, though there will almost definitely be more added.

jream -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (9/7/2011 0:42:36)

hmm this story is great and i see a olot of potential in the way the story is shaping out to be. i honestly want to see how the auras affect the story

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (9/30/2011 15:42:39)

I happened to notice you updated your story again ... multiple times.

It's handy for people who come to check on updates to let them know about them in this thread.

If Immeral could grow sick from looking at mere thieves, then how would she react to a mass murderer*?
The aura archer is also a nice idea. How can she perseve any lifeless or dead objects though? What do those look like to her?

I'll continue to read the rest some other time. Keep at it, I'd say.

*Like Sepulchure.

aizenv3 -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (9/30/2011 15:45:58)

Oh you wouldn't call Seppy a MASS MURDERER. He's along the lines of being a psychopathic ruler

Shadow Ravena -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (9/30/2011 19:59:18)

Great, updates! Tip ging, post in the thread your updating, otherwise its impossible to track (editing doesn;t bump the thread up)
So, now teh story is picking up pace. Interesting that you picked the friday the 13th war, mostly I've seen story's set way farther back. Immeral is interesting, I like how she's a good level, not massivly powerful. All in all, nice chapters!

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (9/30/2011 21:20:03)


If Immeral could grow sick from looking at mere thieves, then how would she react to a mass murderer*? *Like Sepulchure.

Funny you should use him as an example. :p Anyway, she would read the intent in the aura and be gripped with a near-paralyzing terror.


How can she perseve any lifeless or dead objects though? What do those look like to her?

The basic premise of the story is that everything has an aura. Human or non-human, living or dead. And the aura of something that is dead, and undead, will have the basic shape of the aura of the living, but be broken up.

Tigherlady: Thanks for the tip. I'll do that next time.

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (10/13/2011 19:23:53)

Chapter eight is up.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (10/14/2011 13:42:53)


How can she perseve any lifeless or dead objects though?


The whole majority of the DF Q&A department seems to be coming along during the siege.


After countless more battles, Immeral was taking another few moments to rest, physically exhausted from aiming her bow and arrows so many times and mentally exhausted from focusing her aura so as not to hit anyone she didn’t want to and so that she could return her arrows to her.

exhausted from focusing her aura so as not to hit anyone she didn’t want to or to return her arrows to her.


sprinkling some dust over Immeral to relieve her headache.

Any chance where I might get some?


the woman who told me initially what I was

the woman who initially told me what I was (sounds better in my opinion)

A beatiful story that puts my own to shame. I like how she's becoming a(n aura) necromancer.

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (10/14/2011 15:05:37)

Thanks for the comments, Dwelling. And I'll fix the spelling error right now. As for the dust, talk to Melissa and see if she'll give you any. :p

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (12/1/2011 21:56:34)

Early Christmas Frostvale present for all of you. [:D]

Shadow Ravena -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (12/1/2011 22:35:20)

Yay, more story!
Hmm, it seems Immeral is a bit scared of her own skill- as rightfully are her friends. I guess only experience and control over it will help that, huh?
Well, she slowly is growing more powerful. (How long until the unavoidable tragedy?) It twill be interesting to see how Immeral handles all this.

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (12/1/2011 22:46:48)

I don't see her getting much more powerful aside from developing control. Believe it or not, I did have some idea of just how much an aura reader can do. :P

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (12/2/2011 12:57:34)

I liked the new chapter, your gift isn't quite that far away as you might think, but unlike tigerlady48 I think things are moving fairly quick.

I am not sure how long you intend to make your story, but as you are currently telling us about the first attack of Sepulchure.
Immeral is gaining power (new insights of the silver aura) quite quickly, you gave her two insights within one chapter. Unless she will face off against Sepulchure within several chapters*, I would spread out the abilities a bit more so she can surprise us a further along the road.

Should you find the time, be sure to drop by and give me some comments.

*Depends on the length of the chapters though.

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (12/6/2011 18:54:50)

Dwelling, all I really did was revisit an old skill that I'd only touched on for a brief moment much earlier in the story, that of the shield, and let her develop it as when I initially imagined the concept for an aura reader, their main defence was this shield. I hadn't actually intended on her developing that second skill, that of using the auras of others to shield them. But when I wrote it it flowed well with the chapter itself and seemed to fit. As far as skills go, however, I don't forsee her developing any new ones, meaning that the power discovery is, for the most part at least, over, and I'll probably move onto the more psychological aspects of it and move towards self-discovery. However, I'm coming up with the chapters as I go, so what happens next is as much a surprise to me as it will be to you.

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (12/6/2011 20:05:33)

The next segment is up, and it's one of my longest yet.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (12/7/2011 9:51:28)

@Ginkage: I know where the path is, but not how the stones will be positioned.


It was the same flaw every fighter faced, however. That being* that she could only shield attacks that she could, in her own way, see coming.

It was the same flaw every fighter faced, being only able to shield attacks that she could, in her own way, see coming.

*Which was

Just go with what you think sounds better.

I like there's some background to the aura readers, but is there a reason why Alanna waited with telling Immeral the story for so long?

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (1/19/2012 16:43:35)

@Dwelling: Well you know more than I do. :p As for why the background to aura readers was given now is partially because this is the spot that it fit the most. Immeral is wondering about just how much she can do and Alanna would know the lore behind it. It's also taken her so long to divulge this information because she probably would have only heard a little on aura readers and, as they were considered to be little more than rumor, would have needed those few days to remember the lore and possibly consult books. And it was there mainly because that's when it wanted to be written.

I'll try to have the next chapter up in the next week or so.

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (1/22/2012 17:15:47)

It's short, but I have the next chapter up in the time I promised. *does a small victory dance* And for once I have a vague idea of what I want to happen in the next chapter. I'm also going through and editing typos, inconsistencies, and similar things, so for people who like rereading things and have great attention to detail, that's why some of the chapters have slightly different content than they did before.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (1/22/2012 17:50:00)

@Ginkage: Short and simple.

May I point out that your commentary was placed in the wrong section?


“Maybe you’re right,” Immeral said with a sigh sighed. “Patience has never been my strong point.”

Gingkage -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (2/7/2012 15:10:31)

Updated with chapter twelve, but I'm not sure I like where it ended. And despite the title I gave it, this story isn't over yet.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (2/7/2012 16:22:02)

@Ginkage: *shrugs*


“I’m not progressing at all, Lanna,” Immeral said.

Is this a nickname?

Besides that I couldn't find anything.

As for the story itself, I had no idea the story was at that point and when I did the chapter was done.

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