Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (Full Version)

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The Death Trap -> Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 15:10:29)

Why do you play ED more then any other AE games?

I play more then other AE games because ED is more futuristic.

Leave your comments in the section below.

Basicball -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 15:13:50)

cuzz it rox my sox

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 15:27:42)

I dont it really depends on what event is happening at each game.

Digital X -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 15:46:44)

I think i prefer ED more than the other games because of the PvP, i prefer player interaction greatly over single player games (such as AQ), also the builds you can create are far more "in depth" than any other AE game. Mainly due to the vast stat placements you can apply, and the skill tree combined to create wonderful builds.

Chatting during game is really good too, as it allows for build help, in game tournaments that players can set up, teaming up for boss fights etc. Also, players have to take into consideration when buying a weapon the stats much greater than that of the rest of the games, as it is mainly just "it's for my build and strong, i can buy it and use it well". It took me nearly, what, a year or so? to figure out what stats did what, and how it effected my gameplay as well as skills, and even now i still struggle deciding on weapons, but it's all a learning process for me, maybe for others as well who might even be at the top level.

Now onto Factions, i find are a great way of player interaction and competitive game play as there are flags to be captured all over Delta V and the ever on going war which most players strive for, wether it is simply battling, or firing a good old cannon and achieving greater war kills, it all helps contribute.

Achievements now, I think it is great you get awarded for completing certain "tasks or objectives" such as beating NPC's, having the most daily wins or even something as getting the most fame in a day. It gives players more goals to aim for, which, when they achieve them is a good feeling of self accomplishment however little or large it may be.

Well, that's it for now, sorry if it is slightly long winded but i have separated the different points so i hope it is easier to read and that all i have stated is agreeable, just my 2 cents there. :)

InceptionAE -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 17:15:49)

I'm going to skip what I'm gonna say and agree with @DigitalX

Also, I don't want to do quests for god sake!

Wootz -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 19:17:06)

Who says tbat I do?
I only like to visit the forums.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 19:35:20)

I prefer AQW better than ED, but I play ED more cause it lags less. Also I agree with 1234speedy, I'm more active on the forums than on any game lol.

DeathGuard -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 19:49:43)

I really like ED above AQW, the reason is because in AQW the stuff is almost too easy to get it, while in ED, it requires time, strategy, thinking, creativity to be successful. Anyways the graphics and the weps, and the battle system is more deep than in AQW, including the many classes and different skill each one has.

redxtra -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 20:21:52)

all true but.....the creativity died when everyone used a copy/paste build for success.
but other then that its good

well to me...
i like aqw and ed quite the same
like the goods and the bad for ED
good: 1v1/2v2 very fun. takes skill to lvl up and get what you want.
bad: need money to get the best items in game. creativity is limited. most of the time one class is better then the rest

DeathGuard -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 20:26:27)

Like you said creativity is limited and almost extinct but it hasn't died.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 20:49:21)

Because I know everyone and they know me. And I like talking to everyone in my spare time.. Especially to my besties ^^

theBatMan -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 20:52:26)

Because it's competitive.

Minus123 -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 21:46:26)

Because of the pvp

And f2p rares in aqw are reproduced, so really u get nothing for rares. (bloodriver I think wasnt reproduced, and some of quibble items)

But in ED, you get a rare, get the looks, plus they have awesome stats. Herosmash, i play now more than aqw. Actually play all AE games, but the rest arent multiplayer.

classifiedname -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/29/2011 22:08:01)

i like ED best because its a pvp and i dont have to fight a bunch of computers , i like competing so i prefer real players than AI units

nico0las -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/30/2011 2:05:51)

Why do I like ED over the others? Simple.

Your fate is not carved into stone. You can do anything.

Ashari -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/30/2011 2:10:07)

For me it's the community. ED is a growing game, but it still has that tight-knit community. I'll always run into someone I know and start a chat with them. ^^

In AQW there are so many people and so many locations you'll rarely run into anyone twice unless you have them on your friends list. The single player games are great in terms of content, but when I'm looking to be social, ED's the place to go.

The Death Trap -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/30/2011 13:00:54)

I agree with all of you

Sig removed. Please only use it once per page. ~Mecha

T29060 -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/31/2011 10:18:51)

I prefer pvp over fighting a computer and in Aqw there are too many places and quests.

frosty123 -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/31/2011 23:02:33)

Ed has amazing talent for two-3 develpers. And i finally found a great non-varium build. I used to play DF but that zuper strong mega dragon body pwned me to much so i switched over. I dont like Aqw because it lags really really really really really really bad. It was also very very very very boring. Another reason i quit.
Me:Attack already
Slime: You just got pwned
Me: No Way!!!!! *quits

Dont play mechquest because I lost my password...

Aq is boring and Spacey Aq game seems dumb.

Wiseman -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (8/31/2011 23:08:03)

For me it's the factions, I love working together with friends toward a common goal. And there's nothing like celebrating an accomplishment with a group your used to being with daily. I mean on AQW if you achieve something, everyone just leaves and your standing there celebrating alone or perhaps with a couple friends. That's not always the case of course, but even then nothing compares to the group feeling that being in a faction gives. It's like your home within the game with family that supports you when you need it the most, maybe not all factions are like that, but my faction certainly is. :)

rajkumar -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (9/1/2011 1:05:43)

For me ed is the only game that i play because i dont get time to check out others game so for me its the best game ever release in pvp. [:D]

chrisraine -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (9/1/2011 2:39:05)

i like epicduel more compared to other AE games since it doesnt have a lot of quest (which sometimes can be confusing) that one should follow in order for one to really understand the storyline of the game (like in AQW).. also ED allows me to be competitive but at the same time it teaches me to accept losses gracefully and to be a good sport.. and in ED, i find the relationshps that you build in game with the other players to be more meaningful and productive..

drinde -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (9/1/2011 4:34:55)

AQW: Still play for Events
DF: Bored after SoulWeaver Saga
AQ/WF: Bored.
ED: Stayed for battle system and graphics. If only there was a storyline...

NecroCrime -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (9/1/2011 8:56:59)

I play ED more as I think it is the only game that offers a long term motivation to play even though it is so simplistic. As far as my experience with AE goes, most of their games, although I like them all, are rather short paced and offer little variety.
Let's take AQW for an example: The only goal you can aim for is to farm certain armors, that only make you look different without offering any bonuses whatsoever and since the PvP is kind of laggy I lack the motivation to play it.
Epic duel on the other hand always offers a new experience with every fight :)

PS: I completely agree with Digital X's statement. Epic duels in-depth skill builds make it really interesting and exciting compared to AQW in which you have to button-smash 2 skills continuously.

sylar67 -> RE: Why Do You Play ED More Then Other AE Games? (9/1/2011 12:59:07)

bcz it the most money suker ? ... just a guess :)

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