The Alcem Chronicals (Full Version)

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Lord Avonn -> The Alcem Chronicals (8/31/2011 11:08:46)

My brother’s name is Oxaenn Alcem. He is always around… and always helping.
If you asked one of his friends to describe him, they will call him a mad young meddler. This is perfectly true. If you asked his enemies, they would call him the devil incarnate. This also has a shred of truth. What would I call him? I would call him Oxaenn the Emerald Alchemist. My name is Benjy Alcem.

He is a time traveller, an immortal, a scientist, an alchemist, and many other things. I do not like the fact that people make up stories about our exploits. Here’s a real one.

-The Tale of the Box-
It was an age ago, in old Falconreach, where me and me brother were playing outside the workshop of a Magician. Even then, Oxaenn was enthralled by the supernatural, and had a gift for it. However, his ego still had a looong way to shrink. That day he was practicing a new magic trick. He had marbles and a sheet of iron. With the right application of magic, the marbles would levitate. Unfortunately, his ego outweighed his common sense… and he put too much magic into it. This caused the marbles and sheet to fly everywhere. We found the marbles, but we had to head into the workshop to find the iron sheet.

Inside the workshop, there were a wide assortment of inventions, but we ignored all of them to find the iron sheet. In hindsight… it was a stupid move. We found the sheet inside of an emerald box, the size of a grown man. Oxaenn picked it up, but the door closed behind us. The box rumbled and vanished, taking its destined pilots to its next destination.

The Mage never did figure out why there was a random square of cleanness on the floor. It haunted him to his deathbed.

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