RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (Full Version)

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3 Vandoren -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 15:01:06)

Ah, so ya' snuck this MtAK up on meh, did ya'?
Thought you could get away with an MtAK without me seein', yeah?!
Well, I got ya'!
Aye. I did. And I hid it in plain sight so no one would find it.
Anyway, I have few questions...
Fire away!
Ponies shall rule the world, tonight, your battle plan?
I shall... do absolutely nothing.
Where do you hide your cookies? (You have to hide them, lest other people steal them...)
I make them fresh when I need them. Where I get the dough, even I don't know.
If you where paranoid, would you be paranoid that people were thinking that you were paranoid, whilst THEY are the real paranoid people?
*starts to think of and answer for this*
*drifts off into some random daydream*

Oh, ok.
I don't really have anything to ask, I just wanted to be apart of the fun. [:)]
Always nice to have more people here.
Anyway, congratulations!
Good night... and good luck.
Thank you and good day.

King Desoato -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 15:13:29)

Yeah bud.. I plan on making you insane, will be back every page. Good luck!
You might want to rethink that, I lost my mind loooong ago. Never looked for it thought.
So. Pretzels? Choking hazard, or tasty snack?
Both. *evil grin*
By the way, I don't fight with kids. They just hate me.. Why?
Maybe you're evil, they say children can sense/see spirits and evil.
*sweeps your feet*
Tripping me isn't very nice.
Woah, I didn't even read ahead before I said that... you are in my head!
Am I your favorite yet?
You're getting ther- *reads below* I think I'll take the cash.
If no, you will pay! In pennies. And you have to count them all!

Up or down, which do you like best?
Depends on where I am. Some places its better to be up, others down.
If up, *shoots you up in the sky with a person-cannon* Also, you'll need a parachute Which is packed with unpinned grenades

If down, *throws you into a hole with grenades unpinned*

Both of those sound nice, but I'll choose to stay ground level *whips out bow and fires*
So I shall ask DragonFable questions now :o
Why not...
What is ½ of your current gold?
What is your dragons name, and why?
Drae. Because I was horrible at naming back then so I stuck with something simple (and I don't like name changing)
I think you're Craze...d
Yu aren't the first and won't be the last[:D]
If your answer was yay, your chair exploded.
0_0 Glad I haven't been sitting in it.
Bye for now >_>
I'll probably see you again

Gingkage -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 15:26:05)

Congratulations. Your MTAK is the one that I've posted the most in (out of maybe four MTAKs that I've posted in). Feel special.
Thanks. I wonder if you'll find it interesting that this is the first thread I've ever made.
So I can't annoy you, waste your time, or confuse you?
I'm a hard person to mess with, its why I win so often.
Well that's no fun. Kill joy.
Thats ma job now buddy!
Hm...What to ask next...
*is distracted by a shiny!*
This could take a while.
*didn't hear because a puppy walked by*
*thinks some more*
"Who's a good little puppy!? C'mon, roll over. Good boy!" like fire?
*heard fire* What fire?! *throws grenade* Fire in the hole!
Are you a pyromaniac?
Nope, but I do like it as a method of destruction.
*gives you a dollar*
*takes five dollars from you*
Can you blow up that building?
What building? *BOOOOM*
*watches the explosion*
*Doesn't cuz I'm just that cool* (Plus I've got it on tape for later)
That was an assylum, by the way.
Awesome, I'd been meaning to get my brother, sister, sister, brother, cousin, uncle... (the list could go on) out of there
Enjoy the crazy people you just set lose.
I missed my family, you gave me an extra chance to see them (and get back the money they owe me).

Bustichia -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 15:31:08)

Heyo, Craze-o!
It's been a long time since I met you, huh?
It sure has.
Now you're an AK, huh?
You sure have gone far, huh?
Much further than I thought I would. In fact, I didn't think I was going t go anywhere.
I think you may have.

What classifies as "too personal"?
I think its one of those things where I pick and choose.
Do you enjoy fish sticks?
Its the only kind of fish I can eat... assuming that its really fish. I hate fish.
With tater tots?
Don't eat those. Don't hate them, just not something I really like.
What about burritos and/or tacos?
Not at all!
Taco Bell, or an actual Mexican restauraunt?
I'm done now. Bye!
Alright then seeya!
P.S. I'm gonna be watching you.........
I'll be watching me too.......
~Reki Valderouche

Sinis -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 16:31:55)

*sneaks in and places a grenade box behind you, where you can't reach* Haidere!
*tosses a grenade behind the box so the explosion pushes it to me* Don't... underestimate.
Do you want to go to a explosive party?
Every day is a party full of explosions for me!
Okay... *throws a grenade behind you*
Onwards, craze-y dude!
Not quite a question or anything to answer! (I know what you're doing)
Meet the ArchKnight...? I thought that it was "Meet the Mad Grenadier"!
Thats just what I am within the ArchKnight army.
So, do you want to explode something?
Most of the time I do. Right now, yes.
And, please don't throw a water balloon on me.
Thats not water...
No, don't even dare.
I already did[:D]
Dude, I'm odd. Do you remember my old name?
I do. No reason to spell it out as you've already done it for me. You seem to like them riddles n' stuff.
*fades away in a burst of electricity* *the grenades explode*

Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 16:37:20)

*Plants a Bomb in a Building where you will never know*
Well if its in a building that I'll never know about then its not my burden! heheh...
Oh hi um... Craze? o.O
I have seen you wondering around the forums, doing your list to success.
I had a list? o.O
Well... have fun with your Work on the forums.
Aye, it is definitely work. But there are ways to have fun at work.
*Holds a Cupcake and adds a Doom Flavor* Want one? they are really Doomish =3
I'll take them all, Doom stopped effecting me. In fact, I now currupt Doom.

*looks up the word "apparates"*

San Robin -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 17:45:02)

Hi :D
Told you I'd be back.
Why'd you have to keep that promise?
just like the terminator [8D]

"I'll bee bak"
And back you are.
what is your favorite vacation activity?
*notes the answer*
*notes your noting of the answer*
cake or cookies?
grenades or C4?
hmm... I'll have to say both again.
cookies or C4?
A hard choice...cookies first, then C4.
cant you just free yourself from the AK shackles by blowing them up?
Nope, I've tried. I'd have to blow something else up to be free of them. (And why would I want to be freed?)
that's all... again...

Next page *austrian accent* I'll bee bak...
I'll be seeing you there if we make it.

majesticstar3800 -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 17:58:52)

I'm back *Glares*
I'm not *whatever the opposite of glare is*
Now, about you blowing my face up, I'm giving you this in return! *Gives Box*
!! *opens*
A little late there, ya can't expect me to wait for you to tell me to open it.
If you open it you get an arsenal of your own bombing tools!
Yay! I'll put them to good use, maybe...
You can blow up Ponies, except today, since it's Pony day!
I don't want to harm teh ponies though.
(PvP, as in PonyvsPony), now go Create your own pony! :)
Already done!
My questions are so Pointless aren't they?
There is no such thing as a pointless question, even if you already know the answer.*
So, Craze. Explosions or Kersplosions?
I prefer an explosion but kersplosions can be nice from time to time.
Umm...... I need something to spam you with.. er.... Im gona make the same thread over and OVER, AND OVER AGAIN!
Good luck not getting banned!
Ponies and Ponies and Ponies and Ponies and forgiveness Ponies and Rainbowy Ponies.. *shot*

Ponies are nice. But I still had to shoot ya.

HellsWolf666 -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 18:06:04)

another MTAK
i love them :)
ok this is gonna be insane
Can't be worse than me!
1)according to the rules of space what is better : light or darkness
Darkness. For no matter how fast light travels, darkness will always get there first.
2)if u had to die will u choose
to be eaten by wolfs or by poisen shots(your not the first that had to anser this)
I'm already dead, so either of those would be pointless.
3)lets get to some black hole physics


up+down+strange=????(its real i promise)
o.O *slowly backs away*
What are prutons and nutrons eh?[;)]

4)this is a realy easy 1
what do u think on this guide
It's not bad, it has helped a lot of people at least.
5)do u belive in 2012?
6)do u know why the maya ppl started 2012( i do)
I'd rather not get into either of those subjects.
7)if a guy leave point A in the speed of 12 km/h and get to the point B after 1 year-how far point A from B?
7. The answer is always 7.
8)do u know smosh?
I think you know that I've already answered that.
9)vampires or werewolfs?
10)am i crazy or what?


the correct anser is what

I'll go with your answer.

bobeee -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 18:18:44)

you know da drill
I do not. Care to help me out here?
1. congrats on making MtAK (how many are there?)
Ty. Hmm? How many MtAK's are there? I'd think at least one for each AK.
2. ready 4 talk like a pirate day?
Trying to make an avatar for it already! AQW your favorite or least favorite AE game?
Its actually my third favorite. I like the game.
4.mind if i blow up your blue army with a special mana bomb so that they turn to goo and then they turn to many more blue armies and spread BLUE DOOOM!!!! (?)
There actually aren't that many members in the blue army. The more members there are, the less enemies I get to take out.
5. thanks for saying yes to my previous question.
Never gave a yes or no. But do as ye please.
6. what benefits in-game do you get for being a MtAK?
None at all. Its all for yall to know that I'm not just some evil dude out to get ya by deleting and locking yer threads. Or something like that.
all i got 4 now, ill be BBAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKK!!!!
Good luck with that and it was nice seeing ya.

Zork Knight -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 18:29:08)

Oh great overlord of grenades, nukes and all kind of explosives (minus Nitroglycerin), may I begin to ask you the 10 questions?
You may not.
Ok, first question: Does the question above counts as one of the 10 questions?
I thought I said you couldn't... and yes.
So, is working for death fun?
It beats sitting around in his realm for eternity.
In your opinion... Ninjas or Pirates?
Ninja *poof*
Werewolfs or Vampires?
*repoof* Werepyre
Elves or Dwarves?
Bacon or Eggs?
French fries. (Didn't I say you couldn't ask questions?)
Knights or Samurais? The correct answer is Knights.
Sealers (not the seal hunting kind)
If y²+x²=z², z³-y²=x, and z-x²=y, how much is x*y?
7... (Why am I still answering?)
Just to be sure... are you a crepitusmancer?
I don't know what that is, but no.
Well, I guess that's all... for now *vanishes*
Darn he vanished before I could take that time bomb off of him. Oh well...

Jet Silver -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 18:45:56)

What? You're security didn't agree with that site? It was just a parody image of the "Gentlemen" meme, only with tentacle coming out of the mouth instead of cigarettes, and instead of a mask, it was a blank face.
I am now sad you could not see it. :(
Don't get sad, get glad!
So... How's it going?
Its goin' gooooood~
And, what can I do to have no face? To not have a mouth or eyes is to not be able to see, and be forced to eat through my nose.
I'd rather not get into that painful process...
To get taller would involved putting implants in the bones inside my leg, and forcibly extending them painfully once a day by pressing a button. (It's a thing, I wouldn't recommend it!)
Yup, wouldn't recommend that either. Its almost disturbing even for me.
I "could" eat a kid, but that would break many laws. Both moral and legal.
Totally. I hear (yeah "hear") they taste good though. Note: Don't eat kids...ever!
Ever hear of the Dark Claw? He is the official Amalgamation of Batman and Wolverine. I know. You want to weep at his epic glory.
I think it'd look better if they took out the yellow from Wolverine and just kept it all black. Still totally awesome!
Dang. I need to get myself a fancy tux. I mean a REALLY fancy tux. Like, James Bond tux.
Learn to fight too. A dude in a tux who never loses a fight will be popular for sure.
Do you enjoy pizza?
I enjoy pizza a lot.
Enjoy using the decapitated heads of ponies to defeat your enemies? I know I do. It's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
As much as I enjoy stoning birds, I quite like my ponies with heads much better than without.
Well, that's 10. See you next page Craze, and remember, when fighting a war, try playing Queen, or K.I.S.S., they keep your mind off the clock. Or this.
I prefer The Lonely Island.

Riprose123 -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 20:51:43)

Caps lock...... a fun thing.
Anyway, I kind of, um, used to many grenades.....
Imposible, you can't use too many.
Was I supposed to use the big one that said "Nova" on it?
Probably not.
At least the explosion was better than I'd expected.
-Craze 0_O

Dantae darkflare -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 21:18:15)

Gratz craze on the AKship, it was only in time b4 the people succumbed to your psychologically numbing mind of authority.

now it's time for the usual questions, Ready?.............Fight!*street fighter theme goes off*
The usual, the unusual, its all normal to me.
What is your primary Explosive weapon?
The average hand grenade.
How are your chains? comfortable Mr. craze?
Always. They don't even itch or nuthin'
If you had a giant mech that u could summon into battle whenever you want, who would you use it on first?
Well first it'd be the Reaper mech from MQ. Annnnd...idk, you maybe.
My char is a "special" merchant, would u like to sign a war contract with him?
I don't sign contracts that I haven't read.
If you signed the contract you have the option of choosing orthadox or unorthadox services, pick!
*walks away*
I'll give you a scenario, "your trapped between 2 enemies who also hate each other but go after you first" do you
A) take them both on
B) summon your war buddies to help you in the most violent slaughter
C) Grow 5 stories tall and start destroying with your size, giant weapon and laser eyes (may also include laser face)
D) all of the above with giant mechs, evil unicorns, gods of war, all weapons that ever existed, captain falcon and a giant cupcake mothership that part squid alien 42.
hmm... I'd have to say I'd take them on alone, but they had to have all of the stuff mentioned in D to use against me.
have you ever read manga, online comics or any other literature of the sorts?
Yes, but not often.
Do you despise my neutral-ness
I'm a very neutral person, so no.
I have no primary color, although it used to be orange.
Be colorless if you want. It'll be more fun when the color war begins!
whats your favorite videogame?
Several Final Fantasy games
Until later my war ally of destruction, i got to prepare something in AQ for a special customer *locks armored wagon*
Well seeya later.

Shadow Ravena -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/2/2011 23:52:15)

Hiya Craze! glad to see this up so I can finally congradulate you! Congratz! Glad those pesters kept at it ;)
Now I could make some joke about this being the Q&A forums... but I won't. But now... question time!
But it is quite funny for a MtAK to be in te Q&A.
1) any reason why the Q&A?
Because this place is one of my hangout spots.
2) favorite color? (bloo is not an option)
3) favorite book/movie?
I think I've already answered that, you can find those somewhere in this thread.
4) favorite show/anime?
That too but just for fun, Soul Eater.
5) favorite kind of explosion?
6) favorite song?
Hmm... Threw it on the ground. Not sure if its my favorite, but I like it a lot. Ripped that answer from an earlier page.
7) favorite AE game besides DF?
MQ, although I haven't had time for it in a while.
thats all the serious stuff.
Anyways, here is my annual new AK gift: a life supply of any ammunition/bomb of your choice (your definition of life supply btw)!
edit: just remembered your undead. /facepalm. Great... I'm going to be broke...
I wouldn't call myself undead, just no longer alive. My body lies six feet under.
well, necromancers are annoying arent they?
Very much so. Which is why my job is to exterminate them!
I thought so to. Thats why I hunt them. (any reason is a good reason to slay (evil!) undead makers! Yes, I'm a friend of Artix)
Somehow I've managed to create a job that does the same thing as a Paladin but has no ties to Good or Light.
anyways, seeya around the battlefield craze. /salutes and walks off.

I'll be seeing ya there then.

TitanDragonLord -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/3/2011 13:04:44)

Walks in with a box
*would be cautious but meh...*
Congratz on the AKship!
Thank you!
So, how many waves in the latest war?
Around 2,000
So, any other favourite colours EXCEPT blue?
Oh yeah, don't open the box
Too late.
Don't ask why
I won't.
That's all now
No it isn't -.-
So I'm gonna stop typing
I doubt it.
I'm still typing aren't I?
Still typing eh? Seeya!

Dantae darkflare -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/3/2011 21:58:38)

So we meet again *has a machinatonic smile*
That we have, and I doubt this will be our last meeting. *chuckle*
*Loads several dark matter explosive rounds into his rifle*
Not like you're going to do anything with that anyways.
so craze?............have ya ever had a certain bloodlust in war? in those movies or cartoons (you know the ones i mean)
I've had that bloodlust in reality...
now to answer the questions you gave for my questions on my pre-post.

so ya didn't sign the contract huh? such a shame but maybe i should revise my business methods *locks armored wagon full of exotic weapons and explosives from places unknown to man, and where man fears to tread* well onto other business....
I've got all I need anyway.
so do you specialize in other combative area's?
I prefer magic (a staff) and ranged weapons (bow/crossbow). Though as one who uses power granted by Death I own a scythe for soul harvesting. And rarely may use a majorly oversized sword for fun.
So you don't like necromancers huh?
Nothing against them, its just part of the job.
what if i said i was one?
Then I might take your soul when I feel like it.
oh and don't even think of attacking me with that weapon you have
Which one?
what if i said i was similar but not exactly one?
Similar to a necromancer? Not sure, but the undead you raise must have any souls that were put in them taken out and the bones ground to less than dust so they cannot be raised again.
*raises dead*
*begins taking souls*
I was bluffing b4 i can only raise golems...........that are dead..........well not all the time.
Well since golems are given false souls, you're fine.
P.s if ya get the reference I'll consider giving you one of my exotic explosives as an exception (the question involving the contract).
No prizes for me!
well this should do for now, mess with ya later! oh and this was just the random phase 1 of my posts.
From the looks of it phase 2 might not happen[:'(] Oh well, nice seeing ya!

Womba -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/4/2011 11:51:03)

Just like the others, I. will. break. you. *evil grin*
I cannot be broken. But I will wish all who would try luck.
But first I'll start with... well... IMO a rather strange question.
Strange is good, very good.

1.) Do you think it's odd of someone to go through the MtM Archives?
Not at all, I checked them out a bit before doing this.
I've been looking at all the threads, the whole morning... XD
Looking for the strangest questions you see to ask me right?
Speaking of Whole... Everyone should eat more grains.
Random facts... But at least a good message.
I say this, because it's wholesome. :P Or is it filling... er...
Soooo, you're going on a bit of a rant now eh?
I wonder if Hogo will mind if I steal-... er... "borrow" something he said.
I dunno. But if you disappear I knw who to add as a suspect.

2.) So how you pimpin' out dem chains, an' shacklez?
Yo check dis out. Imma put some diamonds on it, some diamonds on dem diamonds, some spinnin' rims on those diamonds, an its gon' look real nice when I'm smackin' dem offenders wit it.

3.) Is it wrong to laugh whenever I make people explode into many pieces in war style-PvP games?
Nope. People like that are why God of War exists.
You know what I think you'd like...
I was close!
Yes... Voltorb.
And I have a very, very, good reason why.
I already know the reasons. And I agree.
They learn to explosive moves.
Self-Destruct (it's alot of booms...)
Explosion (self-explanetory)
Both darn good reasons!
Oh, don't worry what happens when Voltorbs explode.
Why worry, they go boom, you heal em, boom again.
All that's left is a big smoking crater
A nice, perfectly spherical crater.
A super-sized pokeb-... Holy crap, it's the Voltorb... RUN!!! *poof*
(not getting near that)
Last, but not least... the raining limbs of the poor helpless victim.
0_0 That doesn't happen in the pokemon world as far as I remember.
BUT THAT'S THE BEST PART! [:D] Uh... right?
Its quite disturbing, but I've had worse thoughts.

4.) What's better.... or funner... Plasma grenades? Or a Rocket Launcher... with infinite ammunition.
Hard descision... can I choose infinite Plasma Grenades?
From Ammunation!!
Dude, I swear I will devour.. um...
No, scratch that.
You're a strange dude, bro.
I'll give you a slightly bent penny. If you can tell me the what the reference made was. (Ammunation)
I feel like I should understand that reference, but its lost on me right now.

5.) Do you watch The Smoking Gun? It's really funny. If a bit profound also...
I do not.
Heh. Good comedy though.
Wouldn't know.

6.) What is worse, in your opnion. (look below)

Lack of Common sense, or people doing very moronic things?
Both tend to be quite fun, so I'll call it a draw[:D]
Hehe... I just realized... a Q&A AK... They're doing their work in their own thread.
Wow... that actually makes me feel bad. >,<
But its voluntary, I asked for this.
Eh I got nothing else.
Really? Odd.
I'm sure you know there's more to come, on the next page.
Aye, and I'll be seeing ya if we get there.
Assuming the thread ever gets to the next page. [8D]

Hopefully it will!

Dragonman -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/4/2011 22:26:33)

Hello Craze!
All you get for now is a congrats. But I reserve the right to edit the post later:)
Looks like you added more by the time I got back.
OK I'm doing that now.
Lets see what ya got.
Pirates or Ninjas?
How're ya doin'?
Perfectly fine!
Want a pancake?
I want waffle.
The only pie I'll accept is pizza!
Did yuo konw if I slepl all tihs lkie tihs you can sitll raed it esaliy?
Kind of...
Wanna ask me a question?
Why would I want to ask you one?
Go ahed and ask it... I'll put the response on next page (If we get there)
I got nothin'
Bai for now!


DragonWarrior1231 -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/5/2011 12:05:33)

I'm back with more questions! and you'll have to answer ALL of 'em
I can choose what not to answer[:)] So I don't have to.
I will talk in a flabbergastingly fast talk so no one can understand it.
Here goes. Doyouhaveagfmeheheheheh...
Not getting in to that.
Hope I didn't get "too personal" there mehehehehehe..
Just along the borderline of it.
Why is your character a female.
Because if she was a guy she wouldn't be a girl[:D]
Art thou enjoying thee dark powers of an AK?
Just a little.
Are you CRAZEy?
More mad than crazy.
Uhh...pirates or samurai?
Ninja! (But if I have to choose between just those two, Samurai)
Zorbak or Twilly? I vote for twilly. If you don't agree with me, I will personally beat you up until you are a little flat piece of paper. >:D
Do you like "Bling-bling"?
My favorite kind are chains.
See ya for now...until yet thee next page!
Aight, seeya

Kaeden -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/5/2011 14:51:19)

Ohai Craze!
Please dun blow meh up. [:(]
I won't do it unless you deserve it. Actually, I still might either way...
So now here's the big question... Pirates or Ninja's?
As I've said several times, Ninja.
That's all I guess. See ya round!
Alright then, seeya.
*is blown up*

Hmm...Apparently I'm doing that without even thinking now.

Zarkalor -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/5/2011 15:06:07)

*Spots this* Ooooo....mhmm...
FINALLY. I was one of da ones bugging yuu :D (though it was like weeks ago...and I only bugged you once...but it warms my heart to know I contributed to this thing's existence in the smallest way.)

Anyway... Questions!

1. Water or fire?
Correct answer was fire.
I'll drown your fire then freeze you.
2. Xan or Kathool?
Correct answer was Xan.
Kathool just can't compete wit Xan.
3. Drakonnan or Aisha?
Correct answer was Drakonnan.
I'd rather destroy Drakonnan and imprison Aisha.
4. 1 Pyromancer or 5 million Cryomancers?
1 Cryomancer.
Correct answer was 1 Pyromancer.
5. Craze or Crazy?
Craze with an "e".
You tell me.
Already did.
6. Blowing things up in blue, or blowing things up in orange?
Blue it is.
Personally, I like both. But I wanna hear your opinion.
I can't say that I blew anything up with the word Blue!
7. What came first, the phoenix or it's fire?
A really large chicken that fell into a volcano.
The correct answer is that a circle has no beginning.

8. Have you guessed what Element I prefer over any?
Is it Wind?!
9. Have you guessed which branch of 'mancy I prefer over any?
10. Zarkalor...or Zork Knight?
Woah...Not goin' there
11. Can I ask one more question, because I'm speshal?

I just did. [:D]
I win.

SKRALL213 -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/6/2011 2:47:00)

Will look who it is as a AK Everyone is going to be a AK if this keeps up Hahaha
So true[:D]
Any way il start by saying congrats on your AK ship now for the for the Questions
Why thank you!
How do you think The Elemental Energy works?
Shockingly well I'd assume! [/badjoke]
Energy or Darkness?
If you said Darkness then will you might lose in a Battle with me
Might being the right word. I won't lose so easily.
You want to know y Energy is bast?
Enlighten me...
We can never run out of Energy so we can Fight longer & last Longer
Overload on your own power and you lose your life, remember that.
one more thing
Why is there always one more?!
If darkness is gone does that mean Light is gone? or does it mean That Energy will stay no matter what?
I'm not the expert on these matters. But Darkness and Light cannot exist without each other as far as I know.
ok one more thing did you see how i put 2 "for" in my 2nd Question


Therril Oreb -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/6/2011 6:29:11)

Seems like you answered all but 1 posts craze[:D]
I was asleep when that post was made!
only 3 pages, this won't do...
But I came back to see that I have over 10 posts to answer 0_0 and its on page 4.
have a cookie ^^
Don't mind if I do ^^
With dynamite[8D]
I knew something tasted weird! And that that cookie was way too big.
Don't forget to brush after exploding ok?
I don't brush, I'll just make this the new style. Soon everybody will want to lok this good~
btw, you really should clean those handcuffs
I keep all my metal clean and polished!
greetings, and keep on having fun[:)]
A late hello that was eh? And thank you, I hope to keep havin' fun.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up] (9/6/2011 6:40:03)

Hi there.
Why hillo there.
What's better, destroying, or blowing things up?
In my experience most things that get blown up are destroyed.
Do you like waffles?
I do.
1 Pyromancer or Xan?
If you found out that you only have 1 Dragon Coin what will y`a do?
Uhmm... Nothing. As I don't remember anything that only costs 1.
Did you finish the first chapter of DF?
Of course I did.
Was it fun?
Very fun!
What level are you in DF?
ArchKnight, or AshKnight?
Definitely ArchKnight
Craze means what to you?
Craze means... Madman I guess. Because I'm out of my mind!

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