What the..... (Full Version)

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RKC -> What the..... (9/4/2011 21:39:06)

Did the devs serf founders armor? or is it just me.

helloguy -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 21:41:17)

if you mean change its stats again yes to

5 strength
7 dexterity
5 technology

plus 10 enhancments

Shadowlord9k -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 21:41:29)

QandA forum DOES exist.

RKC -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 21:45:33)

This is why I quit playing ED[:'(]

StriderAigis -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 21:48:27)

Then y did u ask?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 21:55:54)

This Armor is much better then the one before in my mind

It was 9 STR 8 Dex or something like that now its much better

edwardvulture -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 21:59:46)

Definately gives more build diversity

Angels Holocaust -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 22:10:41)

I love it when I purchase an object and all of a sudden, I'll end up getting something that I didn't pay for. We should have our weapons change stats every month to change up the game.

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 22:13:07)


That might actually be fun lol.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 23:25:39)

The decision was made to save data for more positive things. The armor of all classes and genders will now be viewed as 1 item instead of many separates. The main issue we had prior to your arrival was the redistribution of stats for this single armor for all classes.

The original selection had given Mages who use that armor a limited use of builds. With community effort, the adjustment made it more flexible to use for the Mage class, and a bit of adjustment for BH and Merc classes.

Lord Nub -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 23:30:27)

Awwww man how awesome would it be to wake up and see your support build equipped with a bunch of strength enhancing weapons?

Lord Barrius -> RE: What the..... (9/4/2011 23:40:07)

To answer your question, no, the devs did not convert the Founder Armor into a form of feudal slave labor.

Please refrain from further complaint threads, as they are against the forum's rules. You are welcome to discuss the changes in Balance Suggestions, but your arguments against the nerf will need to be backed up with constructive, well-thought-out arguments and numerical evidence, and keep in mind the staff's official policy in regards to buffing rare items. Thanks!

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