Max font size in signatures (Full Version)

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No Brainer -> Max font size in signatures (9/6/2011 12:35:18)

what is the max font size allowed in signatures.?

Mecha Mario -> RE: Max font size in signatures (9/6/2011 12:43:18)

Quote from Signature and Avatar Testing

If there is text beneath or above your image, you have to watch that the sum of the height of the image and the height isn't above the 100. Well, Pae's Detailed Sig Guide says:


• Pixel Stats for Text & Formatting (only height - For width, people need to compare to the graphic above.)

  • Default Text: 16px - None of the offered alternate font faces will make it go above 15px. For other fonts, people need to test that themselves.
  • Basic formatting like bold, italics, etc. with the default text will also keep it under 15px.
  • For font sizes (using the default font)
    o 1: 12px
    o 2: 16px
    o 3: 18px
    o 4: 22px
    o 5: 29px
    o 6: 38px
    o 7: 59px
    o However, note that there is absurdly little reason to use any font size above three, and the sig is likely to be removed for spammy qualities, if it does. A sig shouldn't draw more attention than a post after all.

  • Quotes (all using default text with no size formatting)
    o Without the use of the original tag: single line = 51px, max = four lines with the first line right next to the quote tag, three without being next to the tag
    o Using the original tag (e.g. ORIGINAL: Pae): one line = 64px for a one line quote, max = three lines

  • Hope this helps. :)

    No Brainer -> RE: Max font size in signatures (9/6/2011 14:07:14)


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