FraGrant ShadowKitten Body Spray (Full Version)

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BlackAces -> FraGrant ShadowKitten Body Spray (9/13/2011 20:10:43)

FraGrant ShadowKitten Body Spray

Also see other ShadowKitten Body Spray: Scented, Aromal, PunGent, Heady, Redolent, and Odoriferous

Level: 132
Power Level: 135
MP Level: 134
Price: 240,450 840,707
Sellback: 120,225 420,353
Location: Cat-astrophe!
Element: Neutral

Activation: 0 turns
  • -6% Light Resistance
  • -6% Dark Resistance
  • +40 CHA

    Cost: 67 SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

    Shadowkitten Body Spray is guaranteed to make you popular with the long as you're a shadowkitten. For everyone else, it's a decent way to boost your CHA! (Guardian Only)


    Numbers thanks to Dev. Image and write-up thanks to UltraGuy.

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