What Class Do you Prefer Using? (Full Version)

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Joy -> What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 18:49:27)

I think Blood Mage with str is good

But what do you Prefer and what Build to match it?

DeathGuard -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 18:52:17)

Tech Mage and preferly a supercharge build, or an all skill build works for me if used wisely. I used it frequently and it has a good win ratio[:)]

Shao Kahn -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 18:54:02)

Cyber hunter, good for putting up boost and emp, stasis just got a good buff as well.

Laces -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 18:57:42)

Cyber Hunter while using my Multi/Dex build for 1v1. It works quite well against many classes (TLMs included) but its weak against high support builds.

Wootz -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 19:04:40)

Bounty Hunters & Cyber Hunters 4 lyfe, broski.

Midnightsoul -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 19:40:52)

both the hunters. BH is sooo good with quick kills, by the time u try uaing an endurance build against it, u wouldnt be able to withstand unless ur against a CH.
CH to me is a lot more fun.

supermasivo -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 19:42:07)

Obviously TLM is the best class for ever...

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 19:48:38)

TM becuase i dont really have many opinions and i have made so many builds with this class i can't even work Merc or BH and trust me i have tried

LadyHeartbreak -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 19:57:21)

Been bloodmage for awhile now, not fast wins but high ratio and super fun :) In 1v1 AND 2v2! I use a str build atm, and what I love about it is that its not boring like TLM :)

Joe10112 -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 19:59:23)

I have BH, love it.

But recently I think a STR cyber build is really really good...

Stabilis -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 20:55:41)

Another vote for Cyber Hunter! (lets be modest and say we're the most revolutionary class around [... even though we are the best given we make builds to trump support or strength tacticals])

On this thread we have 5 votes for cyber hunter hurray!

ND Mallet -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 20:57:44)

I cast my vote for Blood Mage. It's a mix of merc and mage and packs a great punch if you know how to use it right.

stryker914 -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 21:03:25)

Normal merc, but now I would like to go back to my high-win-pct days of str BH. I vote normal BH.

Algorithm -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 21:29:00)

Tech Mage.

nico0las -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/14/2011 21:29:13)

5 focus hunter. You survive quite a while, and take out other builds fairly easily, using both physical and energy damage. It works well on 90% of my battles (that's the legit number, there), excluding the occasional support build, which I beat...5/10 times? Str builds go down easily because of low defenses, and well.... it works [:D]

Great for NPC battles too. I don't do much of those though, so meh about that.

Ubear -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/15/2011 3:25:41)

I liked using BH but I thought I'd give TM a try :)

Digital X -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/15/2011 5:07:49)

^ Good choice mate :)

Even though i have been BH the longest, after trying TM i felt it was a lot better class, and much more fun.

drinde -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/15/2011 5:19:59)

My main is a BH, I have a TechMage alternate. Think TechMage... I would probably like CyHunters though, don't have time or credits to test though.

redxtra -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/15/2011 7:30:34)

cyber hunter. fun to use but not easy to use but win or loss im still having fun and plus i can sabotage builds and strategies as well :P

revenn -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/15/2011 8:01:45)

I used the BH class for a very long time. I recently switched to BM though and i've really enjoyed it. It's a great class if used correctly.

8x -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/15/2011 8:02:45)

I started as mercenary so I prefer using Mercenary and Tactical Mercenary.

skeletondude -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/15/2011 8:10:48)

Well i wud say TM cuz it's an awesum class,very skillful and it has many options when u battle.It helped me a lot in my goals and i created so many builds with sigh... i miss that class now T_T

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/15/2011 8:38:02)

I'm on the fence between BH and TM. Though the tech mage class does seem stronger; now that I'm actually playing one, I really don't understand why people used to call it UP. Guess that reinforces my theory that for non-variums, at least, tech mage is the strongest of the three original classes :/

TurkishIncubus -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/15/2011 8:43:00)

I prefer using all classes , depends on which type build i want

Dendavex -> RE: What Class Do you Prefer Using? (9/15/2011 13:21:05)

I like using Tactical Mercenary because this game was ment for winning and taking advantage of whatever advantage you have :)

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