RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (Full Version)

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Hopeful Guy -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/17/2012 7:55:36)


Size is acceptable. ~TF

sock moglinfriend -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/19/2012 13:07:46)

Right. Sorry for not being here for a while, my computer's broken and I'm having to use a friend's friend's relative's computer instead.

After a while of working it out, I have a new signature!

Is this one allowed though please?


Varen6398 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/19/2012 15:55:15)


Credit to Womba for the sig![:)] How is it though? I was told to check, just in case...

It's fine. ~Stray Cat

HarmonicShadow -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/20/2012 3:47:02)

I'm a little bit out of place here.. it's been a long time.
Is this valid for my avatar?


At 16 KB, it exceeds the submission limit of 10 KB. Once it's been corrected, feel free to send it to Seahawk for submission. ~TF

Womba -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/22/2012 0:18:30)




Anorther infamous avvy test... oughta find more before I submit any. [&:]

All good. ~Stray Cat

Lightcaster -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/22/2012 23:09:00)

Is this OK?


Yes, it's good. ~Stray Cat

ninjakillzu -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/24/2012 20:23:07)

how is this?

Fine. ~Stray Cat

random fun 12 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/26/2012 3:19:54)


6KB over the file size limit.
Good. ~Stray Cat

random fun 12 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/26/2012 4:45:47)



Hopefully it's alright this time.

All good. ~Stray Cat

Womba -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/26/2012 5:47:02)

New sig test... was a pain to render Taokaka (Blazblue).

Good. ~Stray Cat

random fun 12 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/27/2012 2:29:43)


testing again.

Good. ~Stray Cat

DarkFireKiller -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/27/2012 18:14:09)


Hello there! Is this fine as my avvy? Dimension limit: 95 X 95; Size limit: 10KB

Back up ->


It's a .png; only .jpgs and .gifs work. Otherwise, it's fine. ~Stray Cat

Thanks. And I can upload straight from my desktop and it's jpg. on the desktop.


$tar$teelsDarkLord -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/28/2012 23:43:48)

Is my signature okay?

Yes ~TF

Womba -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (2/29/2012 5:00:36)

3 More avatars to test...


Good. ~TF

Winged_Destiny -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/2/2012 17:54:24)

Testing signature. There shouldn't be any problem. Best test it anyways.

Good. ~Stray Cat

Riprose123 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/3/2012 17:07:19)

Sig test.

33KB over the file size limit. ~Stray Cat

drinde -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/4/2012 8:21:11)


Testage? Please don't be 1PX over-sized again.... [:(]

Fine. ~Stray Cat

Womba -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/4/2012 23:40:24)

Two new avatars... one that was color enhanced, the other heavily modified.



Signature test as well... I don't like the result... at all... my little test worked though.


All fine. ~Stray Cat

comet66 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/5/2012 19:26:16)

Self explanatory.

Your tags are capitalised (which these forums don't work with), so your signature isn't showing up properly. You'll have to retype them in lower case to get your signature to work. ~Stray Cat

ninjakid9 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/5/2012 22:33:35)


Hope it's ok.

Good. ~Stray Cat

$tar$teelsDarkLord -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/6/2012 9:51:05)

My updated signature. Is this good?

Yes, it's fine. ~Stray Cat

ninjakid9 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/6/2012 10:22:09)


Sorry... changed my character and my last signature was a bit plain... Anyway i hope it's in regulations

Fine. ~Stray Cat

random fun 12 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/6/2012 13:58:30)


Testing once again. Bet you guys are pretty bored of me, huh? :P

Good. ~Stray Cat

Jinchuur1ki -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/7/2012 8:54:15)

Hey StrayTF , I'm Now Back Suggesting :)
Avvy Tests


All good. ~TF
Cool Thanks , Btw Where's Stray Cat O_O?

random fun 12 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (3/7/2012 16:11:51)





Another test.

All good. ~TF

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