alphabetsoup -> RE: =PVP= Pony Test Realm Bug Reports (11/17/2011 12:34:00)
Please Follow this format: Bug: Multiple pets active. I'm not sure if this is a game feature, but I'm pretty sure this sort of thing is usually illegal in most games. Pony ID: 84412 Repeatable: This appears to be repeatable. I took a screenshot below in case you cannot manage to repeat it. OS: Windows XP professional (not the computer I usually play with) Browser: Firefox 3.6.8 Flash Version: WIN 10,1,82,76 Details: (screenshot below) - The first thing I did was buy the Red RAZberry Ice while Rocky Raccoon was still active. I noticed that the raccoon still appeared to be active, but the popsicle floated behind me as well. I clicked purchase and they both stayed.
- Then I got curious and played around. I was able to activate all three pets simply by checking off all three of them in my inventory.
- I played a game against somepony else just to see if they would disappear. They didn't. They would randomly change order though, and the one floating closest to my pony would change. I did not pay attention to when this change happens, but I think they switch places every time I chain the blue bubbles. I don't know if they had any effect on gameplay. I'm usually too busy paying attention to the bubbles to think about what my pet does. They stayed even when I lost and clicked rematch.
- I logged out of the computer (because I didn't realize I was logged in under someone else's name), and logged back in, got back into the game, and all my multiple pets were still active when I got back. I tried turning them all off, and back on again, and they all still followed me.
EDIT: I did not notice this until now, but my pony page only shows the popsicle as active, even though I currently have all three pets active in game. [image][/image]