A Phoenix Risen [DF] (Full Version)

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Sainsbo -> A Phoenix Risen [DF] (9/20/2011 13:30:48)


We are A Phoenix Risen.
Like a phoenix, we rise from the ashes.
We stand for truth, righteousness, and all that is good.
On the sea, we flow with the waves.
On land, we soar with the wind.
We go where Fate would take us, and never back down.
We stand with our heads held high, and our necks proud.
We let no one and nothing stand in our way, and fight on until the bitter end.
We are A Phoenix Risen, and we will not lose faith.

Clan Info

The guild is grouped into 3 Embodiments, Light, Might, and Guidance.

  • Light are the inspirationalists. Those who never back down, they stand tall and proud through adversity, blazing the way for those behind.

  • Might are the force of the empire. Expressing virtuosity on the battlefield, those who raise their sword high, and rush forward without delay.

  • Guidance are the helpfuls and socials. Those who spend their time pondering the questions of others and maintain a happy atmosphere everywhere.

We have a triumvirate guild system. The 3 'leaders' are the 3 current Captains of each Embodiment. The 3 Lieutenants are the people that help run the embodiments. If the Captains are not available, the Lieutenants will take over. The Captains and Lieutenants take care of everything pertaining to general guild order. Beneath the Lieutenants, we have Scouts. Scouts are in charge of recruitment. They are people who actively use the AE forums and are in charge of sending recruitment messages. If a Captain is missing, the Lieutenant fills in for him/her. If the Lieutenant is missing, the Scout fills in for him/her. The only time a Scout will take on the role of Captain is if both Captain and Lieutenant are missing. We at A Phoenix Risen agree on this guild system. In recent months, the APR chatroom has become a place primarily used for general chat rather than being centered around DF discussion as a lot of people share many other common interests. Don't let a lack of DF/AE knowledge put you off if you are interested in applying to APR, our prime goal is to provide an environment where people can just relax and enjoy themselves, with many frequent users who do not actually play DragonFable any more.

We are currently accepting members. PM Shadows for details. You will be made a member on acceptance to the chatroom, and after a couple of weeks a vote will be held on whether to make you a permament member of APR. IMPORTANT Here is a template form you may use when you are applying. You do not need to use this if you do not wish to.

[b] Name:[/b]
[b] Link to Character Page:[/b]
[b] Past Clans (if any):[/b]
[b]A short paragraph introducing yourself and your reasons for wanting to join:[/b]

If applying to become an official artist, please use this form. This will be reviewed by Sainsbo.

[b]Program(s) You Use:[/b]
[b]Past Clans (if any):[/b]
[b]A short paragraph introducing yourself and your reasons for wanting to join:[/b]
[b]Three to Five Samples of Your Best Work:[/b]

We are lenient when it comes to activity, as we are aware that many people have busy schedules, and real life often has to come first. Long absences are understood and accepted, but it would be much appreciated if you are able to let a Captain know in advance, if you are planning on going absent.

If you want a guild signature, private message Sainsbo. For samples of their artwork, look at all the work on their gallery page. The current Clan page banners were made by MegaMage. Please do not use the banners on this page as signatures without permission.

For questions on alliances and/or clan councils, private message either Sainsbo, Veranex, or Shadows We are always willing to consider and/or review any requests, applications, or invitations.

General Clan Rules

These are the rules you must follow if you are in APR. They must also be followed in the XatBox. The points beside each rule refer to a system implemented to rule out repeat offenders, though often a lot of leniency is given on first or second minor offenses.

Universal Rule
No disrespect EVER. Even if you think it is only a joke, remember that the person you are joking about may not feel the same way. It is also disrespect if you ignore to stop your bad behavior after breaking a rule, or refuse to stop talking about a topic that is making any member feel uncomfortable. ~ Points will vary

Minor Rules (5-15 Points)

1. No bad swears. Minor swears are accepted if they aren't directed at anyone present in chat/uses the chat. If such words are used against someone in chat, a warning for disrespect will likely be given. ~ 5 Points

2. No spamming. Warnings will be given out for persistent or intentional spamming, which include multiple links, multiple emotes, or flooding chat with multiple messages. ~ 2 Points

3. Do not post a link that may be inapropriate without attatching a warning to the link stating why it is innapropriate ~ 2 Points

4. No exessive Role-Playing. That goes in the Rage Room chat next door ~ 3 Points

5. No changing the message at the bottom of the chat. Only owners may do that if they have something important to say. It is not a place to be writing jokes ~ 3 Points

6. No Broadcasting. Only owners can broadcast if it is important ~ 3 Points

7. You must have your DF Forums name in your Xat name at all times unless specified otherwise by an owner. The reason for this is that it can cause confusion to other members in the Xat ~ 5 points

8. No potentially sickening jokes about anything that may offend any member of APR or visitor to the chat ~ 5 Points

9. This is a English-only chatroom. Please speak in English only ~ 3 Points

10. Do not take any screenshots of any comments in the APR chat unless you have the users permission. This rule may be broken in the case of providing evidence for a rule break ~ 3 Points

11. No showing of screenshots taken in APR chat anywhere other than in the chat or on the APR forums ~ 10 Points

12. No Godmodding. it can cause arguments, and make people irritated ~ 3 Points

13. If you see a post on the forums (AE) that is provocative or may cause flaming, ignore it. People who use this chat are expected to be respectful of people both on the forums, and in the chatroom. ~ 5 Points

Consequences for breaking Minor rules: 5 Points - Warning | 20 Points - Warning | 35 Points - 1 hour ban | 50 Points - 6 hour ban | 65 Points - 24 hour ban |
80 Points - Permanent ban, and removal from the clan.

Major Rules (16-30 Points)

1. No AE hacking jokes/accusations ~ 30 Points

2. No Bragging about anything A Phoenix Risen has accomplished ~ 15 Points

3. Do not EVER let anyone in the chat that isn't a member of APR, or BoH unless you have seen them recently in our chat ~ 25 Points

Consequences for breaking Major rules: 16 Points - Warning | 30 Points - 1 hour ban | 50 Points - 24 hour ban | 75 Points - Permanent ban, and removal from the clan.

Extreme Rules (31 Points)

1. What is said in this chat, stays in this chat, and is not to be spoken about anywhere else ~ 50 Points

2. No explict sexual content. This goes from a link to a video, or Role Playing ~ 25 Points

3. No Racism ~ 15 Points

Most, if not all of these rules usually are not enforced, as they are not needed to be. There is often leniency unless offenses are repeated.

Guild Treasury - 74,154,871




Captain- Veranex

Lieutenant- DragonKnight315

Scout-Position open



Captain- Sainsbo

Scout- Position open



Lieutenant-Position currently open!

Scout- Position open



We currently have 30 members.

Honorable past members

Lieutenant- Break Eventide

APR's worst enemy - Stephen Nix

Member Bios


Likes to be called: Sainsbo, Sains.

Sainsbo is one of the three founding brothers of A Phoenix Risen. As well as being the Captain of Might, he runs a signature store with Stelios and Zumosmorph called Pulse Graphix, and manages APR’s forums and page, which would include the artwork displayed. Sains is active in forums and chats, and also recruits new members for our clan. His hobbies include playing games such as Call of Duty, Halo, and of course, DragonFable.

Shadows Morgenstern

Likes to be called: Shadows, Shades

Shadows is the current Captain of Guidance. Previously, he was sergeant of might and Knight of Justice. Inconstant much? He loves pokemon, and usually can scrounge up a good team when he needs to. He has good taste in games, following up pokemon with Skyrim. Long live Ulfric, the true High King of Skyrim! He's very protective of his friends and family, which is pretty much the clan in general, and is quick to anger if agitated. But hey, if anyone wants to poke that hornet's nest, they can.


Likes to be called: Vera, Aloe

Verenex has been in APR for a while now, and has had a big impact. Becoming the Secretary, and then the Lieutennant of Guidance, she is now the Captain of Light. She has made many friends, and is an active member of the chat. She has a bubbly personality, and always brightens up your day.

Silver Sensei Lugia

Like to be called: Silver, Lugia

Lugia currently holds the spot as Champion of Valor, and earned his title by being a well respected and helpful member of the clan. Silver is pretty much the clan ninja, saying "Welcome back" before I even have a chance to state that I'm back. He's got a great love of making people happy, tennis, and football(sorry NFL fans, the rightly named european version) and will discuss the sports if prompted. He's well liked by many of the phoenixes, and loves to help out any new fledglings.


Likes to be called: Odd, Oddie, Weirdsphere, Ball of Oddness.

The Sage of Wisdom, Oddball is a frequent member to the Xat and APR Forums. Always eager to chat about his latest anime craze, Odd brings a smile to members by his bubbly personality. His hobbies include electric guitar and meditating


Likes to be called: TDL, Altarion, Titan

TitanDragonLord is a mountain climber, in both senses of the phrase. He is one of the oldest members of APR, and holds the position of lieutenant. He enjoys playing DragonFable in his spare time, which also includes other hobbies like acting, music, and writing.

Guild History

Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings

This chapter details the very beginning of the clan and the trio who started it all.

One afternoon. In just one afternoon, the foundations of the guild had formed. BustichiaReki and Doomstalker had been talking. Talking about something new. They were not sure how they could do it. They sat and talked through a 'XatBox'. They brainstormed names. So many names. But they wanted one with a meaning. Something that would speak to the player. And then they had it. A Phoenix Risen. Representing the eternal flame of the firebird Reki wanted the clan to be split into smaller, groups of sorts. And he wanted three. The Embodiments were born. But three? There needed to be a captain for each group. They started thinking of possible candidates for the third leader. And that's when Doomstalker exclaimed: 'Sainsbo!'. A few nervous minutes later, Sainsbo agreed and was inside the XatBox with us. We assigned eachother jobs. Reki was in charge of general maintenance. Sainsbo was put in the position of talent scouting (recruiting). And Doomstalker was appointed as the artist. Recruitment was quick. A list of names was quickly scribbled into a notebook and one by one, typed. Sainsbo then produced a general recruitment form used for any recruitment work. The XatBox was then buzzing with names. The bricks of a solid wall were layed.

Chapter 2: A Full House

This chapter revolves around life as a clan and Reki's step-down.

It was done. BustichiaReki, Doomstalker (AKA Stelios) and Sainsbo had made a guild. This would be the beginning of an empire. At this time, the guild had to get organized. Everyone was put into the Embodiment of their choice. Then it was time for signatures. Doomstalker had made many a sig over the years, but never had he made so many in such a short amount of time. It was a challenge. A week later, everything was done. Members had the official sigs of the guild. The good times of the clan continued. Our XatBox being the core of communication. That place was our only way of co-operation. And of course there were those times. We talked, we laughed and we joked. We discussed and we puzzled over many things. And thats when it dawned upon us. We weren't a clan. We weren't a guild. We were family. We told eachother everything. Our secrets, our days and our problems And someone always had a solution. During this time, our main leader, BustichiaReki, had to move house. He was gone for almost a week. Members began to worry. But sure enough he came back. But soon enough after he did, he told us that he could not lead the guild anymore. He had hit a busy time in his life. With college, work and personal things he stepped down from his position of Captain and appointed Nightsoul (his lieutenant and 'love') as the new Captain.

Chapter 3: A New Dawn & A Dark Night

This chapter describes the revival and the troubles we faced later on.

Sainsbo and Doomstalker were lost for words. They had been awaiting good news and it had come. Razen was in the house! He, as our newest member was the glimmer of hope that inspired us to go on. And so... as we began life anew, we realized. Many of the members were inactive. They had joined and then never come back to the Xatbox. We decided to have a cleanup. As the clean-up grows closer, we recruit a new member into the Embodiments of Light. Freedom Fighter. Later in the month of June, a big announcement was made. Our original leader, BustichiaReki was returning. And bringing with him two new Embodiments. Valor and Lightning. APR was a happy clan again. But this was not to last forever. Razen had left. Many of the members had become inactive. The Nest was in trouble.

Chapter 4: Cleaning Up

This chapter looks at the mess that APR was in and how the leaders dealt with it.

A Phoenix Risen was in a mess. It was decided that the clan needed some new life. But for every person that joined, an inactive had to be kicked. It was a difficult choice, but the leaders knew it had to be done. Suddenly, APR had a new lease of life. The members that were remained continued to be active and the rebuilding of the Nest/Empire commenced. But people still weren't happy. We had a re-vote, and it was decided the 2 new Embodiments, Lighning and valor weren't wanted. We scrapped them, and the members in Lightning and Valor chose a different Embodiment to be in. Now there are 39 places in total. Each Embodiment now consists of 13 members. 3 of them in a leadership position (Captain, Lieutennant, and Sergeant), and the other 10 being members. Members were happy now, and the chat started to fill with friendly people once again. Everything was going great! We had regular meetings, and the clan members started interacting with eachother more, sadly we had to say goodbye to Cursed Hero for a while until he could be more active. TitanDragonlord has taken his place as Lieutennant of Might.

Chapter 5: The Maelstorm Arises!

This chapter talks about all of the sudden changes made to the clan, and how we managed to solve them.

The clan was going well again, members were active, leaders all doing their jobs, and everyone was friendly, but this doesn't last forever. Some members started arguing in the chat, members fell out, but these problems were very quickly dealt with. help was needed, Cursed Hero had stepped down Temporarily, and Night also stepped down. With Reki taking his place back in Light, and Titan filling in for Cursed as Lieutennant of Might, we knew we weren't going to let our clan fall apart. We kept on making decisions on what was best for the clan, everything started to run a bit more smoothly again, but more leaders were needed...

Chapter 6: The Rising of an Empire.

This Chapter talks about the changes we made for the clan, and the impact it had on everyone.

Reki called for a meeting, and when it was about to start, the chatrooom flooded with people. He announced a few things, and then Reki started talking about my idea. Sub Emodiments. We had a vote, and people thought it was a good idea, thus 3 new Embodiments were born. Captains now managed 2 Embodiments each. We brought Valor back to associate with Might, Lightning sounded too much like Light, so we had a vote, and it was settled we would call Lights sub-Embodiment Justice. Now we just needed a sub-Embodiment for Guidance. We asked members for ideas, and Death shouted out "Wisdom". It was done. Everyone liked the names. Death also said about a member capactiy for subs, and it was settled at 6. No Captains, no Lieutennants, no Sergeants, just a Watchman/woman. Other smaller changes were made at the meeting. Inspirational poems and speeches were said, and Lieutennants were made owners of the Xatbox. Everyone was happy.

Chapter 7: Building Bridges

This chapter relates upon the newest changes for us, in better or for worse

Settled into the new sub-embodiments, A Phoenix Risen has been running smoothly, with the choice of Zumosmorph as Sage of Wisdom, Chaoto as Champion of Valor, and Kito Domi the Knight of Justice. Along with the coming of the sub-embodiments, we established an alliance with BoH, allowing each to freely roam among either chat rooms. A schedual of regular meetings was established, with many people turning up to them, even faces whom which we have not seen in quite some time. However, there has been strife within our own walls over the philosophy of the Phoenix. Reki feels that we have not stood by the principles on which we were founded, and that we should take time to reflect and ponder what being a Phoenix really is. No one has left since the last chapter, however, a couple of members have been kicked for breaking multiple clan rules.

Chapter 8: Bitersweet times

At this period of time, a whole host of interesting personalities appeared in the chat room. New faces such as Veranex, MegaMage and Kisangre lightened up the chat room with their energetic and humorous attitudes. Sometime during this period, Kito Domi ad Zumosmorph were promoted to Captain rank of the Embodiments of Light and Guidance respectively. Stelios, one of the founding members of the clan stepped down and took a hiatus due to real life problems. Cursed Hero, another member who had been at APR since the early days also took some time to catch up on things. However despite these setbacks, APR continued to flourish and grow into a stronger clan than ever before.

Chapter 9: Brotherhood & Battlefields

As the new year dawned upon the Phoenixes, they knew that 2012 would be filled with success. With two wars almost back to back, the guild fought hard and prevailed. But this was just the start, this year, there would be at least three more wars which would strengthen and prove the Phoenix's potential. With all the good news that was going around, the whole situation seemed too good to be true. And then it came. The time had come for Captain of Light, Kito Domi. She stepped down due to a busy time in her life. Not long after, Kit left A Phoenix Risen but is forever in
our memory. APR is currently holding an election for new Captain of Light.

Chapter 10 Inferno

After long-time captain Kito Domi stepped down, APR needed a new leader for the Embodiment of Light. After voting, Veranex came out on top with TitanDragonlord coming a (very) close second. Soon after this was a very special occasion - On May 8th, APR became one year old. Speeches were given, hugs were exchanged through Xat and Stel had cake at midnight. Of course a year was a momentous occasion, as it would be for any clan, but at the end of this, a change had to be made.

Chapter 11 Changes

Sometime in late May, Zumosmorph, 2nd Captain of Guidance stepped down from his position as Captain due to having hit a busy time in real-life. Almost immediately however, polling began for a new Captain. This poll was won by Shadows Morgenstern, with TitanDragonlord again coming a very close second (Only one vote between them). However, more changes were yet to take place, with Captain of Might Sainsbo suggesting two new ideas that will affect clan life considerably, who knows what will happen next?

Useful Links

A Phoenix Risen Chatroom

A Phoenix Risen Forums

VELOX Chatroom

VELOX Forums

Inspirational Poems

Through the hard times we'll push,
Even in jungle lush,
To find what we've lost,
No matter the cost.
We'll fight back with pride,
And take a long stride,
To the battle's edge,
Even on cliff's ledge.
Fighting with honor,
I pray for when no longer,
To protect our lives we'll fight,
Through the deepest night.


For battle we prepare,
As Sepulchure hovers in the air,
He'll send his undead,
We'll fill them with lead,
We will not lose,
A fight we won't refuse,
As we ready for war,
And walk out our door,
Holding our blades,
In the Falconreach glade,
We await the fight,
Which will start at night,
We man the wall,
The enemies we'll stall,
And as we begin to slay,
Night will change to day,
Our determination will be heard,
Even without words,
Legends will be born,
Through adversity and scorn,
We defend the town,
Refusing to back down,
Fighting with glory,
As we continue our story,
And though we fear the end,
The future's around the bend,
So take up your arms,
And let no harm,
Befall your friends,
Through thick and thin.


Like a phoenix, we must rise,
Into the sapphire skies,
We draw the power of Light,
And fight with all our might,
Even in the face of loss,
We will reach the boss,
We will fight him off,
Through all his scorn and scoff,
So if you lose hope,
As a mechanism to cope,
Remember we must win,
Against Sepulchure again,
For like a phoenix we rise,
Into the sapphire skies.

~ BustichiaReki

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