RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (Full Version)

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lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 14:40:26)

So I take it that you're confused?..or just shocked? Never knew you were reading this the whole time though. O.O

VanHellsin24 -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 14:43:12)

Well, it's not like anyone reads my L&L besides Mort and Glais. I read the popular L&L stories for fun

lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 14:50:25)

I may have to return you the favor soon then :D Anyway, so how was it? Any things you'd like to know?

VanHellsin24 -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 14:54:04)

A few things:

Were you addicted to Twilight at some point? So many vampires.

So you have Omnipresent, Omnicient and Omnipotent beings. I understand the Pope guy but the other two are meh.

Why you no have Crusniks? They could end the vampire dilema I'm seeing here. *hint hint*

Besides those I'm pretty much excited to see the next chapter

lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 15:08:25)

Twilight?! My good sir, that is heresy! No, just check out Tsukihime (the anime doesnt exist) or just the nasuverse in general. I base my vampires there, and speaking of which, Noir is the only vampire in the story thus far. BTW, the omni triune are just figures of speech. The 3 grand inquisitors arent gods, the titles were given for their contributions.

Glais -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 17:07:18)


Well, it's not like anyone reads my L&L besides Mort and Glais. I read the popular L&L stories for fun

This has been a really odd year for L&Ls I think. Had our group popped up a few years earlier there would be more readers I think.
On a note of Nasuverse, another forumer exposed me to the glory that is Vairocana o____o best servant ever.

@Van:Also, on the "other two are meh" one of em is actually explained/is being explained jn my story oddly enough.

lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 17:31:58)

Vairocana.. Just when I thought Nasu was still high from making emperor Nero a cute little girl and having Ryougi Shiki and FRIGGIN Warcueid as servants, the final boss in Fate/ extra is a buddha. Like wow, man.

Glais -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 17:33:47)

He makes me think of a chill version of Cars. Sadly, he doesn't have the laser vision some legends state Buddha had.

He just looks so awesome though, even his name is cool.

lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 17:46:42)

Now you know one reason why I prefer to borrow characters and concepts from Terran mythology and history. Our culture is just so awesome to be restricted to Tolkien stereotypes, even if that genre is high fantasy. Elves? bah, that's boring. Make them17th century Prussians with access to steam punk esque technology and base their leader on Frederick the great! Anyway, end of off topic mode.

Glais -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 17:59:28)

Well, your newest bit was on topic, technically.

And I agree, basing things on outside sources/inspiration makes for a more interesting setting.

Mortarion -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 18:17:58)

Hey Kaho, a quick question regarding the holiest inquisition of the corpse-god emperor of mankind's intelligence service, do they know about things such as ravenloss, chaos weaving, entropic corruption?

lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 18:25:13)

One of the Venator Apostles was high priestess to the chaos weaver queen. Does that answer your question? You'll meet them soon enough.

Mortarion -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 18:36:06)

Ohhh, yes, it does, wait spidery or human one?

lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 18:39:47)


Mortarion -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 18:43:35)

Awesome :D

lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 19:24:21)

Anyway, I seem to have been hyping the Apostles for some time now, so I guess I owe you guys some little insight at least as to what their races are:


Based on Rank

1. A Vampire. Can punch things out of existence. Doesn't work on Jeanne for some reason.
2. Khy'Rhians. Twins. Essentially used as frozen atomic bombs.
3. A Memory Fragment. Quite forgetful. Carries a lot of books.
4. A Chaosweaver. Is a mobile arachnid hive. Nigh invincible once fought underground.
5. A Carrion Theemis (Replace vulture/condor features of the Soaring Theemis with a raven). Loves feasting on rotting flesh, especially that of the Undead. Can turn into a sky of birds.
6. An Abyss Worm (Imagine Dune Worms but live underwater). Defender of the seas. Can generate so much heat, it can boil the entire ocean.
7. Position vacant. Rank 7's tend to die quickly by taking dangerous missions in hopes of ranking up.

Mortarion -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 20:28:09)

You've got two of my favorite races there, and there are two more who seem really interesting, wonder if you'll ever draw them

Glais -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 20:30:01)

Just saying #6 seems like it's easily the strongest. Insane...

VanHellsin24 -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 20:39:20)

Number 1 is OP beyond recognition

lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 21:49:37)


I'm already working on it. :)


Well, for starters Rank 6 is based on the rare Red Gyarados* found in the Lake of Rage. While it isn't red, it has the ability to create heat, and hence breath fire.


Well, Noir is ranked No.1 for a reason.

*Captured him using only a pokeball, hehe.

Mortarion -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/23/2012 22:34:40)

Awesome, can't wait to see the drawing and their debut in the story Kaho

lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/27/2012 5:30:27)

Chapter 17 up!

Now to work the plot from here.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/27/2012 5:50:47)


Stories of unseen, dark creatures, unexplainable forces, and other magical phenomena, has made that particular intersection something to be cautious of.



he has finally found the entrance to his 'target's' lair.



But because of his nature, a lizard man gifted the the rare



But before the Venator was of hitting distance, the Noble completely destroys him with his mind.



With this new body, the Venator uses



was at first something Alina could only dream <>


Very interesting chapter. One would wonder how one could ever defeat the Inquisition with the soldiers they possess.

One another note, where is this Schiffenberg you mentioned?

lordkaho -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/27/2012 5:58:21)

Thanks, fix'd.


One another note, where is this Schiffenberg you mentioned?

It's in a continent on the far east, a land I somehow modeled after 17th century Europe. It's completely non-canonical, just as I how made up Alina being from that place.


One would wonder how one could ever defeat the Inquisition with the soldiers they possess.

Oh, you'll see.

Mortarion -> RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion (8/27/2012 5:59:26)

Two questions:

1 We saw a normal Venators or an Apostle?

2 The Alinayou mentioned, is the Alina in DF,or a woman with a similar name?

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