=ED= Balance Discussions (Full Version)

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Mecha Mario -> =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 17:57:12)

All balance discussions will be restricted to this thread. This is to condense the many issues that you have all expressed into a single place that the balance people can work on.

Please keep all balance discussions in this thread, and don't forget to follow the forum's rules.

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=ED= Balance Discussions I

voidance -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 18:08:39)

Reconsider Nerfing Field Medic =/

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 18:12:37)

give energy shield back to cyber hunters to make them more balanced. (and take out technician in its spot)

and also give them a mix of reroute and bloodlust as a passive and replacing multi shot or static charge

(10% health regen when maxxed, and 12% energy return when maxxed)

u make up the name for it.

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 18:23:06)

@Lord Sinastr
How's that got anything to do with balance? o.O
Btw I would like to see non varium bots to close the gap a bit more, but the devs can really take a well-deserved rest for now :)

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 18:32:58)


give energy shield back to cyber hunters to make them more balanced. (and take out technician in its spot)

and also give them a mix of reroute and bloodlust as a passive and replacing multi shot or static charge

(10% health regen when maxxed, and 12% energy return when maxxed)

u make up the name for it.

Oh my God, please no, No, No, no, noo!
If SC is taken away, I want my money back.
Replacing Shadow Arts would do the trick.
I've never really find it usefull.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 18:35:22)

well i said multishot or SC
i doubt they will replace it for multishot since all classes NEED a multi
so i think venom strike is a better option then.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 18:37:48)

Venom strike makes some nice build, especially for tanking. I'd take out Plasma Grenade!

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 18:58:26)

my theory
insane support (135) maxx SA a good malf (50s at lvl 4-5) and lvl 1 plasma nade = good damage + high stun chance

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 18:59:28)

True. Still. It'd be hard not to die withthat build.

frosty123 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:00:40)

Simply they dont need a extra energy regain or extra health regain. if you want health regain give it... frenzy. As for CH give them a passive that for each strike 10% of the damage will take out mana

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:01:47)

decent dex with energy armor + lvl 1 defense matrix around 32-33 defense
if u add energy shield (rises by support) u can also defense against other mages and most support mercs pretty well.
if both defenses ran on support aswell as offense (malf) then it stands a good chance
an even better one if u add a lvl 1 mass and a good lvl field medic

frenzy is for tac mercs
if u made it hp and energy regen at low lvls
they would gain energy when attacked and gain hp when they attack.
it would be like a small semi heal loop if offense is used right with support.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:02:07)

I think that that shall be OP'd. By a lot. Would kill every, and I mean every build.
Yep, so In short, the class is an obvious win.
But I don't think that SA is important to the class as to the BHs.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:05:18)

unless u have high support u would be lacking defense/res abilities and offense thru malf.
support right now seems the best type of build for CH and to me it still isn't good enough from the people im fighting.
maybe its the class that it isn't good enough yet, or the people using it dont know how to use it right.
i made a couple of builds for CH but non of them are tested so i cant see its full potential from the perspective of someone who knows how to use it.

nico0las -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:10:53)

Top things I want to see:

1: Tactical mercenary receives a reroute debuff.
2: Blood lust is returned to 30% (It was either 30 or 27%. Whichever it was earlier, I don't recall.)
3: A slight massacre buff. It's alright as it is now, but it lacks the power it used to have.
4: Frenzy takes on a support requirement.
65: Tactical poison is either debuffed to 11, or Hunter poison is buffed to 13.
@speedy that sounds a bit better.
@Goldslayer My mistake, I'd rather just have a reroute debuff. I don't mind str tacticals. I mind their ability to constantly dish out massive attacks, over and over. I find the str build weak, actually. I have a good win rate against them, and I don't mind support either. It's their constant ability to hit high and hard, along with their defenses and "infinite" mana that I mind.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:16:02)

Cyber hunters work great. LEAVE THEM ALONE :(

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:16:10)

1) why? is it because u think str tac merc is OP?
2) thats the same as reroute i think a mix of bloodlust and reroute in 1 passive but lowered % would be better for survival of CH
3) bloodlust works for every type of attack so i would say no
4) with a bloodlust buff and a mass buff str BH would be back to being OP. right now its balanced IMO
5) it already was nerfed by % and then added a maul requirement
6) poison grenade only does 25% damage while venom strike does 75% it eventualy evens out the damage only that venom strike attack can be blocked but the affect still plays.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:22:34)

Yeh, I use a strenght build. The only problem with that is that it lacks a HP regen ability like Bloodlust.


1: Tactical mercenary loses reroute (or hybrid armor, if you want to take drastic measures)

Same as GoldSlayers.

2: Static charge is to be passive, and 30%.

Then the class loses the only thing that makes it so great, and I want my money back then.

3: Blood lust is returned to 30% (It was either 30 or 27%. Whichever it was earlier, I don't recall.)


4: A slight massacre buff. It's alright as it is now, but it lacks the power it used to have.

I like the sound of that, but that then makes your number 3. OP'd, again.

5: Frenzy takes on a support requirement.

Neeh, I'd say Tech requirment as Poison Grenades.

6: Tactical poison is either debuffed to 11, or Hunter poison is buffed to 13.

Nope. That'd just suck. It ain't called Evolved Class for no reason.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:26:50)

@Goldslayer: I am actually expecting a nerf to cyber hunters. that's how impressed I am by the class.
I am beating support tactical mercs while I have 44 support total. plus the same build beat every NPC and works great 1v1 and 2v2.
I am holding my breath to see what the change to field medic is, but if it no longer scales with support I will be even more powerful.

static charge is awesome. I really do not want a reroute style skill. I just think people need more time to realise how versatile the
class really is and not to judge it by tactical merc standards. I think a poison build is now seriously viable too, cause of static charge.

I posted the build in the strategy section

EDIT: 1234speedy agrees :P woot!

frosty123 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:28:23)

but poisn gernade cant be blocked and iwll always affect play. anyways. I think Static Charge SHOULD NOT be replaced. Its fine how it is. To be exact( in my opinion its on the same lv as rereoute but better than a 10% health and energy gain passive) . Frenzy on the other hand is irratating. Frenzyt is annyoing. Make the percent 20 and in a way frenzy is better than static charge. Frenzy keeps you from dying because you get 12 health but static only gives you enough energy to heal or something. So removing Hybred and giving them reflex boost while giving back Blood Mage assimilation is all good.

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:32:58)

Guys I notice when tac mercs cast technician their skill last one more turn than when tech mages cast it. I prove it having the same lvl technician and casting it in the first turn. This needs to be fixed, is not fair!

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:49:28)

@Cyberbakio: 4 turn technician [and other buffs/debuffs] is a known bug. I get it in NPC fights sometimes on my cyber hunter.

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 19:55:37)

It happens to me really common, and I'm not lying, it can't be fixed? I have lose matches just because they have technician on and I can't dealt the damage to kill them with them having tech cast on.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 20:19:24)

alot of people seem to be over exaggerating str tac merc
what they seem to be forgetting about ED is that there is also weapon balance.
the only reason why there are so many str tac merc out there is because of delta maul.
without delta maul, people wouldn't make such a big deal about str tac merc.
im not saying delta maul is OP. its a decent weapon, but im just saying that it becomes a problem when its used in huge quantities like str tac merc. then it creates a problem for people who cant win against these types or have trouble fighting them.
and since there are many with this type of build they will think that the class is OP.
and their vision/opinion of the class will be affected by their capabilities to handle that type of build and quantities of the build.

that is something that alot of people dont take into consideration.

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 21:29:50)

Str tac merc is no longer the most OP build now, support tac merc is.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/22/2011 21:33:29)

i dont seem to have any problems with support tac mercs.

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