Earth Charm (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Earth Charm (9/23/2011 19:33:55)

Earth Charm
A precious resource that can be used to make other resources.
(No DA Required)

Location: Teral's Gear
Price: N/A
Required Items: 1 Barrat Hide + 1 Pouch of Sparkling Sand
Sellback: 80 Gold

Level: 0
Max Stacksize: 50

Combine 5 with 5 Iron Ingot to form Law Maker I
Combine 5 with Law Maker I to form Law Maker II

Combine 5 with Guard Tunic to form Embroidered Guard Tunic
Combine 5 with Hide Cape V to form Hide Cape VI
Combine 5 with Shield Ring Beta to form Shield Ring Omega

Rarity: 0
Item Type: Resource

Thanks to Leon Shadowhart for Max Stacksize information.

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