nico0las -> RE: Promotionally Rare Items- Rate of Change (9/25/2011 12:50:01)
@8rlx0 I would agree, but the items are ins such a high demand, removing them is not the smartest decision the team could make. For the sake of everyone, I think they should stay promo items for those events. The team could make more money leaving the items as they are, and them making money should ultimately benefit us. This isn't because I don't have them. The only one I want is Azrael's bane, because I sold it, and it is definitely my favorite weapon. Frostbane, on the other hand, should no longer be a seasonal promo. Seeing as there is some good gear up for grabs on christmas, especially energy weapons, I think it should just be available in shops. @ashari quote:
players feel they are missing out if they don't buy Varium frequently I'm fairly certain AE's goal is to make money. No disrespect intended, but if the players feel left out, well they either buy varium or man up and deal with it. The team couldn't possibly make TOO much money, and many players love promotional items. Yes, it is ridiculous how many Promo's there were in gamma (Bike and bot, frostbane, azrael's bane, Celtic cleaver, Eggzookas, stun guns) but if their goal is to both dish out good items and make money, everyone wins. There are downsides, but seeing as my time is limited here, I won't go into them.