Blood Mage Not That Bad! (Full Version)

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.Nikzat. -> Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/26/2011 2:06:41)

Well im testing Blood Mage and im getting fast wins with a good % (about 90%) and its fun to use.

What do you think about the blood mage class and what build would you use if you were a blood mage.

Im using str/dex build and already said what about the Blood mage class in the theard.

Have a nice day.


TurkishIncubus -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/26/2011 3:57:53)

haha its easy when you copy my build ;) , and yes its a very good class , im gonna use it

heroquest -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/26/2011 5:27:33)

turkish you are not the only one that make good build ;-) but i think blood is really good but i prefer a buff of bloodlust at least to 25% max or 28% thx guys for read the post

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/26/2011 6:22:39)

^ :/ he did my build , he is my buddy jumped me and saw my build than changed to BM and do the same build thats why i told that :/

but BM is not that much good , with 128 dex i didnt do a single block [:@] how can this be fair :/

King FrostLich -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/26/2011 6:44:04)

I got a blood mage build with 90% win rate as well. Main problem is that I cant afford a 110 hp build.

Calogero -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/26/2011 7:38:39)

As I stated plenty of times in the Balance thread..
BloodMages aren't Underpowered, Shure they could use Assimilate but that's it.
The only reason why BM looks UP is because of Tact mercs and them
being able to make pretty much the same builds as BloodMages except they do it better.

Xendran -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/26/2011 9:15:15)

90% w in rate is skewered when fighting opponents who arent equal level and stats to you.

sylar67 -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/26/2011 10:13:04)

just so you know a blood mage with energy equipments and maxed blood lust is the only thing that can kill a support tact merc :)

king julian -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/27/2011 0:27:18)

Blood mage was still is amazing i loved my str dex build so much also try a tank build with high tech 5 focus works wonders :).

voidance -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/27/2011 0:44:54)

I know a few things about Blood Mage lol.[:D]

ShadowQupid -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/27/2011 8:46:00)

Lol I wasa tech mage till Blood mage came out... ive been a blood mage ever since I'm doing great.

DestructingM -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/27/2011 9:05:03)

Blood Mages aren't bad at all. Although, it's a pretty hard class. Without the right build.. You will fail for sure. EPIC FAIL!![:D]

PumKing -> RE: Blood Mage Not That Bad! (9/27/2011 10:13:01)

Bloodmages are pretty twisted man, and like it was said before, they only look uped because of tlms, so you can be sure that once the tlms are nerfed the bms are gonna be the next on the list XP

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