Random poems I wrote that aren't all that great. (Full Version)

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Shao Kahn -> Random poems I wrote that aren't all that great. (9/27/2011 20:48:02)

I know these aren't the best ever... I would really appreciate if anyone took their time to read and submit feedback though.

The Sad Grape.

One may find it silly, the question…
Who’re you?
I am a grape is to then be my response.
No you’re clearly not. You can’t be a grape you clearly must be an orange.
I am what I am as they say a rose by any other name is just as sweet…
But I am not a rose either as I said I’m a grape.
How can you be sure you’re a grape they always say.
If I were an orange I would call myself an orange but I am not an orange I am a grape.
They always mock saying that they know grapes and a grape I never can or will be.
If I am not to know what I am then what identity should I have?
What others deem I should be I could be a normal happy orange…
With a sigh it is then that I realize.
Dawned upon me it then was.
A true grape no matter the ridicule or sadness…
Still better it will always be than the untrue orange of society’s approval.

What is emotion?
Is it what we feel? Or simply what others want to hear we feel?
Negative emotions are to never exist…
Happy is the façade society places upon our shoulders.
Willing or not we must hold the burden.
We exist to make others happy in the hope we will then see ourselves as happy.
Anger is deemed undesirable and instructed to build up on the inside.
To express how we feel is to let others know we are not perfect.
To express imperfection is to show weakness.
To show weakness is to let others beat you.
And if we are beaten are we then not lost?
And yet… to show unfeeling is also negative.
Forced then we are to show illegitimate cares and desires.
But… Is this really feeling?
In the effort to live we die… becoming them.
The we that used to feel and express itself then becomes the them we once wrote about.
Feeling is a paradox.

To look upon the stars is to believe.
Goals are beliefs we conjure into reality.
Shame is when goals can not match up to reality.
To look upon the stars is to believe that we can set goals and vassal shame to all.


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