Stolen Wolf (Full Version)

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Thiefboy109 -> Stolen Wolf (9/29/2011 16:55:04)

Stolen Wolf

Resistances: Immobility 70
Enemy Type: Equippable
Default Special Abilities: N/A

Attack 1:
Rage! +30% to Boost for 4 turns
Attack Image: Attacking!

Attack 2:
Armor Breach! -40 to Defense for 5 turns
Attack Image: Attacking!

Attack 3:
Bliiiiinded by the Light! -40 to Bonus for 2 turns
Attack Image: Attacking!

Attack 4:
Attack 4
The Spirit of the Wolf heals you! Heals for 55 HP.

Attack Image: Attacking!

Attack 5:
Critical Hit increases by random amount
Attack Image: Attacking!

Attack 6:
Wolf Fire! Energy and Health Burn!
Attack Image: Attacking!

Image: Stolen Wolf

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