RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (Full Version)

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goldslayer1 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:14:07)

what about get in line and work ur way?


when a solider joins the army (another great analogy) he starts with a low rank and slowly works his way up.
why should the ranks in the army be resseted just so that new guy can become the general when the real general has worked hard for his spot?

sorry wrong copy and paste lol. i edited the message tho
i meant to copy and paste what u quoted which was

Several games have done this before once they go public

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:16:37)

you don't gain new ranks in training. boom, another terrible analogy shot down and still no counter argument from you :)

wario the great -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:16:39)

lol k

psibertus: this inst army its a game. there is no difference between a testing phase and whenthe game is released. It will still be a game

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:16:46)

@Zeal i have been part of games that have reset everyone to lv 1 at the end of each testing phase so dont say no one does it becuase some do worse

goldslayer1 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:18:23)


you don't gain new ranks in training. boom, another terrible analogy shot down and still no counter argument from you :)
their isn't a single General in the army who got their rank by being amazing in training and having no actual combat experience.

umm u realize how stupid u sounded there?
i never said training, i said he joined the army
when he joins he gets a rank.
why should the ranks all start over just so that new guy can take a short cut to becoming a general when the real general worked hard for his spot?

learn how to read.

u try to sound smart saying i have no counter arguement, yet u read my post wrong and u aren't providing any arguement urself.
then u say mines got shot down >.>

wario the great -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:21:38)


but has th game been successful because all AE games has been succesful and they havent reset the lvls. Another example is runescape, The most succesful or one of the most successful browse games.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:23:00)


umm u realize how stupid u sounded there?
i never said training, i said he joined the army
when he joins he gets a rank.
why should the ranks all start over just so that new guy can take a short cut to becoming a general when the real general worked hard for his spot?

learn how to read.

u try to sound smart saying i have no counter arguement, yet u read my post wrong and u aren't providing any arguement urself.
then u say mines got shot down >.>
because your analogy implies the army is the game, the game is in testing phase, hence the reason I used the term training.
if the game WASN'T in testing phase your analogy would of made sense. but then of course this topic wouldn't even exist right.

lol ?

you made it all personal and still no counter argument. 4 pages now goldslayer

also I have made tons of arguments AND made the topic itself.

WhiteTiger -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:23:39)


mayby a few have but most do not and AE hasnt done this so why should ED do this?

No other AE game has done this because they don't have leaderboards, or haven't gone through a testing phase.


if they reset wins for players, that means they will do it for faction, fame, all types of wins, and warkills
they will delete all ur items, credits and variums and u start all fresh from lvl 1.
so all that money u spent goes down the drain.
is that what u want?
did i mention ur records get wiped clean?

They don't have to reset everything. They could go by the list I stated on the first page:


Anyways, this will be my last post in this thread, I have stated my opinion along with valid reasons. But with every idea, it has cons along with people that disagree with it. The developers are the only ones that can decide EpicDuel fate after the testing phases.

Master Volcon -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:23:48)

@ gold and zeal

I was just providing info, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with it.

However if i had to choose i would say it would better if it did not just because many people have worked hard for the amount of wins they had. However resetting the level back to one would be interesting. As you leveled up you would be able to equip the weapons you currently have. Perhaps give every player 2500 varium compensation for the hard work. (if it was reset the win counter would not)

wario the great -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:26:21)

@white tiger
all AE games have had a testing phase if i remember correctly

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:28:20)

@Zeal Its really hard to compare it to AE becuase it is text based plus the owner got sick and no one has heard from him since and the game died off so his bug prolly killed him

Also a text based game, i used to know the name, gets the most hits a day for every game out making it more successful then Runescape in a way

Anyway besides the Begger board all other boards would get a part of the Hall of Fame, ironic isnt it Fame isnt part of the Hall of Fame in ideas suggested.

wario the great -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:34:55)

if your suggestin that i only want to not have a reset is because of fame then your totally wrong. I only got fame for the 10k acheivemnt and nothing else i couldnt care less for the all time fame board. And I dont get this comment sice artix isnt dead and all his gmes are still going 'the owner got sick and no one has heard from him since and the game died off so his bug prolly killed him'

goldslayer1 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:36:00)


because your analogy implies the army is the game, the game is in testing phase, hence the reason I used the term training.
if the game WASN'T in testing phase your analogy would of made sense. but then of course this topic wouldn't even exist right.

dude this is what browser games do. its how browser games work. they test stuff for years and then fully release it, but they dont reset the scores.
dragon fable is an example, they finish their whole storyline but none of the characters in all time were resetted nore were their accounts or items.


you made it all personal and still no counter argument. 4 pages now goldslayer

also I have made tons of arguments AND made the topic itself.

funny cause all i hear is the same excuse saying its too hard for someone new, guess what
unless ur here first it shouldn't be that easy for u to begin with.


They don't have to reset everything.

so they only reset what is convenient to psib


Perhaps give every player 2500 varium compensation for the hard work.

how does 2500 make up for thousands of hours of game play?

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:37:58)

don't think anyone specified which leaderboards would make the whole of fame.
I personally just targeted the duel based ones. but the faction leaderboards are just as misleading what with some mods abusing certain powers at one point
to get war kills [if the accusations in previous topics are to be believed] and other people bribing players with varium to join their faction. fame is a joke though


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:39:29)

Zeal that is about the other game not AE

i only mock Fame because no one ever said anything about Anything Special for the Fame leaderboard but yet a statue for 1v1 2v2 and Jugg was suggested

goldslayer1 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:39:59)

fame = just another lag fest
i bet u ED wouldn't have had so much lagg last summer if fame wasn't there

Master Volcon -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:40:49)


Why did Epicduel give alpha players 1000 varium or Founders 1000 varium.

I am just suggesting to repeat the current tradition

goldslayer1 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:42:18)

because it was their second anniversary gift.

now are u gonna sit here and tell me resetting someone's legendary score of 162k+ and giving him 2500 varium and call it a gift even logical or sane?

we may agree on somethings however this topic isn't something i can agree with if ur saying that all time boards should reset.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:46:07)

@Gold he set teh record and he can easily earn back his place as 1v1 champ by the same hard work that got him there. You guys saying you would quit just becuase you the boards reset is like Muhammad Ali giving up because he lost his title and not coming back to reclaim what was his, and in case you didnt know he came back and reclaimed what was his

goldslayer1 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:48:35)


he set teh record and he can easily earn back his place as 1v1 champ by the same hard work that got him there. You guys saying you would quit just becuase you the boards reset is like Muhammad Ali giving up because he lost his title and not coming back to reclaim what was his, and in case you didnt know he came back and reclaimed what was his

im sorry OWA that analogy didn't make much sense about the tittle his wins get resetted so he has to start doing everything all over again.
as if he started from lvl 1 again. thats not just going back for the tittle thats doing all of the hard work he did before except he has to start over. only thing is
he's more tired and older than the new guy who just got here fresh with a ton of energy to go with while the old guy isn't the same.

wario the great -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:49:03)


Runscape int text based its more combat based. Most of the text are just instructions. Runescape hasnt died. On the contarary it seems to be thriving the most.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:50:09)

Runescape has graphics text based means there is only words even the battles are words and numbers

Gold He got his title revoked for not going to war he was banned from boxing for a time and he went four years out of boxing. Then after four years without a pro boxing match he came back and won his title back.

Four years without a pro boxing match might as well be getting set back to level 1 when you compare it to ED

Master Volcon -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:54:29)

@ Gold

I think you misunderstood. I said

"However if i had to choose i would say it would better if it did not just because many people have worked hard for the amount of wins they had."

I said the 2500 Varium compensation would be if they decided to reset levels back to 1 but keep everything. This would be interesting and might give new players help instead of battling 33s over and over

goldslayer1 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:57:10)

ok i guess u didn't understand what i meant.
my point is
comcal himself wasn't in the all time boards
at the time it was angels and dax that were up there comical wasn't on the boards
but he worked his way up to top 15 and later on to first place.
well eventually dax and angels retired. so he eventually passed them.
so he's worked hard for it
why cant u? stop making excuses and wake up


I said the 2500 Varium compensation would be if they decided to reset levels back to 1 but keep everything. This would be interesting and might give new players help instead of battling 33s over and over

actually i think there should be a way to reset lvls but not records.
altho this may be heavily abused by founders.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Resetting Leadeboards when game is finished. (10/2/2011 14:59:14)

Even when Comical wasnt in the top three he was farther down the list which while no one really cares about those other 12 people they do exist

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