Razen -> Narath's Library Comments and Criticism (10/4/2011 21:36:08)
Here's the 'Stories'. While this is only the intro, here we shall see a character learn about Vereriaz, so I wanted to do the standard book thing, but felt the need to make it kinda unique. So, it's a mix between him reading the books and actually being inside of Narath's Library which is on the Border of the Vereriazian Dimension.hile this is only the intro, here we shall see a character learn about Vereriaz, so I wanted to do the standard book thing, but felt the need to make it kinda unique. So, it's a mix between him reading the books and actually being inside of Narath's Library which is on the Border of the Vereriazian Dimension. So, this will be an interesting take...and don't be frightened by the large list on the tablet. A good bit of the things on the list aren't what I'd say immense. They could just be little tips as to how to understand the language or culture or whatever the subject be. But, most likely not. Oh, right, all the subjects will be done in the order that the readers(You) want. So, say you want to learn about BlahBlah first. Then you choose BlahBlah and I write about BlahBlah and put it in. Simple as that.