Womba -> RE: Your Inspiration/s As An Artist? (10/6/2011 18:00:30)
Well.... I can't say NO, but I won't say Yes, either. Nowadays with GIMP, it's just... me doing regular, daily things. Then once some inspiration hits me, I'll poke around and go make what I have in mind, the best I can. But long ago, in the distant past... of 2010. :P I sort of did... (during the time I was being taught, and a little while afterwards also.) But as I already stated... nowadays I just do things my own way, doing whatever I can, sometimes just random stuff, to make the final piece look nice. Sometimes I still do use other forms of art, or an artist or two as my inspiration but not often... just when there's a block. Sometimes I'll look at past stuff, be it mine or something requested, just lookin' and today, that's really the closest I get to using ones own style as inspiration.