sysdragonfable -> spread the word? (10/6/2011 20:49:13)
the idea came to me in a dream...or a concussion, which ever came first.(probably concussion) but anyway i was thinking about MQ and i thought about something that they did that could be done with WF. They have the email system were you email links to your friends for a reward or something i dont remember entirely as i never used it(i am a horrible horrible sellsman) but seeing as the game is kinda strugglin a bit could it be imrpovised in the game till it gets back on its feet as this game, i find, is better than AQ and why people from AQ dont play it baffles me(remembers the long list) oh ya.... ideas? thoughts? is this thread going to be deleted because i violated a law or something? should i be hunted down without mercy?(alot of people choose the last one and i never know why)