Last Year (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> Last Year (10/7/2011 20:58:49)

Last Year

Location: Mogloween 2011 -> Dornalca -> Last Year....
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Chapter 5, Mogloween
Release Date: October 7th, 2011

Objective: Last year....
Objective completed: Dundunduuuuuuuunnnnnn!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(2) CrimsonZard
(6) Frogzard
(2) HyperZard
(1) Protozard
(3) Taster
(1) Frogzard - Boss


Diseased Cord
Viral Wrap
Plague Girdle
Pandemic Band
Infection Tie

Last year...

Focuses in on a red house

Somewhere near Moonridge...

Girl: He's...
Girl: He's going to be hungry when he gets back....
Boy: It's been 4 days.
Boy: He's not coming back.
Girl: No! no, he has to be ok!
Boy: He's gone. The sooner you realize that the better!

Hero rushes in

Random Hero: Stop it. Stop fighting. It won't help us at all, we need to stay quiet....
Boy: She can't stay in denial forever. It's a waste of food and energy to wait for someone who's infected!
Girl: Stop! Stop!


Child: Help! Help! Let me in!

Hero runs for him

Boy: No! It might be infected!
Random Hero: It's a child!

Boy places a piece of wood back onto a door and the child can be seen in the house,

Child: They were chasing me.... I... I... think they want to eat me!

Hero on one knee

Random Hero: Who?
Child: My Mom.... My Dad.... The monsters!

Girl: ...

Girl walks up to a boarded window and moves one piece of wood to see what's going on outside as zards are running around, one happens to creep up on the girl,


The zard smashes his way in and start coming through the window, as do some of the infected people,

Boy: By the Avatars! Run! Ruuuuun!

It happened so fast...
Before I knew what happened, I was the only one left.

They were all infected... And more were coming in.

As the hero is running from the Zards,

Random Hero: I've got to get out of here!

On a Friday the 13th, monsters began to appear in the woods around Moonridge.

Scene with a man rowing his boat as a zard passes by,

48 days later, infected monsters filled the woods.

An elite team was assembled to find the source of the infection to stop it.

It was eventually quarantined in an abandon mansion, and the infected monsters hunted to extinction.

This is what happened....
48 Weeks Later!

  • Complete Quest

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