Zyrain -> RE: [Photo Shop][Gimp][Sigs and Clan Banners] Grim Facts Productions III (10/5/2012 11:47:25)
Hey, Theo! First request; What do you want Sig or Banner: Signature. Background: I want the background to be from inside AQWorlds, but I have no idea where would look best. Just a snipet of the scenery from one of the "good" looking locations, such as Castle, Lightguard, Greenguard Forest, Citadel or something. I'll leave it to you to experiement with, I just don't want NPCs/Monsters in the view that's all. Text: "The Divine Light", and "An AQWorlds Official Guild". Text Placement: Both centered, though with "The Divine Light" above, and the other part just below. Font: Black Chancery, or whatever the AQWorlds font is. Can both have thick black lines as a border too, please? Font size (if any): "The Divine Light" quite big, though the second part just medium/small. Font Color: "The Divine Light" in #009999, and "An AQWorlds Official Guild" in #CC9900. Size: Forum sig, 500x100. Can the actual signature have a thick black borderline too, please? PM when done: Yes, please. Second request; quote:
Wow, Theo! It's amazing! Honestly, couldn't be any better! :D Thank you so much! Though, if possible, could I get them both as transparents? :3 Oh, and one final request (sorry haha!), please can I have another version of the banner, exactly the same but without the writing, and with the width/hieght of the image being as wide/tall as the characters. Just so I can use the sprites on the clan forums. :) Thank you hehe. :3