golden1231 -> Galactic Battle (10/10/2011 20:04:58)
[image][/image] Galactic Battle Location: Planet Zargon --> Galactic Fight! Objective: Awesome shooting! You defeated Universo in an epic galactic battle! Dr. Boltavolt is still on the loose, but will probably think twice before causing more trouble! Requirements: Completion of Universo Release Date: - Enemies: None NPCs: Starstorm Dialogue: Starstorm: <Character> there is another Universo in orbit around Zargon! This one is much bigger than the one you faced before! Starstorm: You can use my highly experimental prototype model, the Galactimecha! Starstorm: It's right outside! I'm surprised you never noticed it! Starstorm: <Character>, Universo is orbiting Zargon! Use the Galactimecha to battle it! Starstorm: Flying the Galactimecha requries both a mouse and a keyboard. Starstorm: The controls are as follows: Up="w", Down="s", Left="a" and Right = "d". Starstorm: If you'd prefer, you may use your arrow keys instead of w,a,s,d. Starstorm: To aim your gun, simply point your mouse cursor at your target and press the left mouse button to fire your weapon. Starstorm: You may toggle between 2 different ammo types, Short Range Cannon and Long Range Rife. Starstorm: To select a different shot, simply press the number "1" or "2" on your keyboard! Starstorm: You must disable its Legs, Feet, Chest, and Head by destroying every gun in each zone. Starstorm: Good Luck! This battle will be extremely intense! Are you ready? Rewards Shop: Galactic Mods