lordkaho -> RE: The Wanderer's Quest - C&C (10/13/2011 2:53:14)
Is this some sort of allegory to a certain someone's life in the past year and a half? Anyway, it's pretty heavy on philosophical matters. It is about existentialism, is it not? Anyway, I loved how you built the world in just one, though lengthy, post. Reminds me of one of my favorite anime series, Sora no Woto. Mankind destroying himself and throwing back technology to the dark ages, the planet is a huge wasteland, little fragments of the past litter the world, and the past is nothing but an afwul nightmare than the new generation would rather forget. It's somehow too short though, but I think that was the point anyway. Also, for some reason, listening to this made everything (especially the scene with the 'woman', like a certain fateful meeting eh?) even more touching.