Character Origins? (Full Version)

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.Discipline -> Character Origins? (10/14/2011 16:46:07)

It's threads like this which gave AQ vibrant forum life. If we can harness some of that we could make this game more popular.

Anywho... your character starts life on Lore without his/her story being told, but somehow they are inducted into the most elite space-faring crew Lore has ever seen (unless you count the LSS Cysero *shakes fist*) How do you think they got there, what is YOUR character's story and why is he/she so special?

Personally, I like to imagine my character, Lt. Discipline as a muscular and hardbitten Drakel Warrior, cybernetically repaired from his battle injuries, who was part of the intense training program for the Warpforce troops. He pushed them to their limits and made them the elite and focused crew they currently are through forced physical and mental exercise (which is how he got his nickname). He was born with usual Drakel coloring (green skin, yellow eyes) but one of the crew played a devious prank on him by putting a warp crystal in his zardmeat burrito. They assumed it would do nothing to him aside from cut his mouth up, but with his pneumatic iron jaw he just crunched it up, ingesting the shards, and the energy released changed him, tainting his skin a cosmic blue and causing his eyes to glow red with pure void power.

Aside from detrimental effects such as being jittery and unable to keep still, as well as spouting off puns, Lt. Discipline can move extremely swiftly and by focusing the power of the warp crystal into his weapons, can cause massive energy specials which he uses to smash the network. This makes him an invaluable asset to the crew and a favorite research project of Gravlax.

So how did your character come to the Warpforce and what makes them special?

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Character Origins? (10/15/2011 12:09:00)

My first character is an Elani Loremaster. He traveled to the stars after living through the Fifth Coming to record the happenings and the lore of the wide universe. As an Elf, he loves magic and was hard-hit by the realization that there was very little magic in space, but he managed to survive by learning all he could about technology and its applications. As such, he hangs around Lkeas (whom he's heard a lot about, and whom he's fascinated by) and Engineering.

My second character is a friend my first character first encountered on Lore. When the Loremaster traveled to the stars, he asked my second character to join him. On Lore, he was a Warrior and continues by being a WarpGuardian Striker. He assists in my first character's attempt to archive all that happens.

Heheh. Boring, but a true and accurate description of why I play. :P

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