Mogloween 2011 (Full Version)

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Voodoo Master -> Mogloween 2011 (10/15/2011 17:26:31)

Mogloween 2011

Other name: M.O.P. Tent

Access Point:
Opening Screen -> M.O.P. Tent,
Moonridge -> M.O.P. Tent,
Mogloween Storybook -> Chapter 6 -> M.O.P. Tent
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: October 14, 2011

Quests Available
Last Year
48 Weeks Later
Escape to Croft
Attack on Croft! (Cutscene)
Attack on Croft! (War)
Trick or Treats 2011!



Dornalca: <Character>, we need your help in Moonridge again!

48 Weeks Later...
M.O.P has commandeered the mansion on the outskirts of Moonridge and is repurposing it for all those displaced by the zard attacks last year. What could possibly go wrong?

  • To Battle!

    Escape to Croft!
    You managed to get Andy safely out of the Moonridge Mansion, but there are still hungry zardbies roaming the woods. Will you be able to find Croft and the Cauldron Sisters before the zardbies, or the angry animals, roaming the woods find you?

  • To Battle!

    Attack on Croft!
    The zardbies are gathering... and what's happened to Bubble and Bubble?

  • To Battle!

    Croft Overrun!
    The ChickenCows are restless and the zardbies are attacking! Help the Cauldron Sisters defend their town and find Bubble and Bubble!

  • To Battle!

    Trick or Treat 2011
    Get out there and give out that candy! The antidote needs to get out there to stop the spread of the infection!

    Talk to the Cauldron Sisters to see what they have to offer in exchange for you giving out the antidote candy!

  • To Battle!

    Thanks to
    -- Jay for corrections.
    -- Peachii for corrections.
    -- Soulweaver Zard for correction.

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