Koree -> Guardian Grimstalker (10/16/2011 6:01:47)
[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/Guardian.png[/image] Guardian Grimstalker «Darkness Ranged weapon with a very accurate 100%-rate special. Deals additional damage for not having an actual Special attack.» Also see other Grimstalker bows ( Z, Least, Lesser, «Normal», Greater, Guardian Perfected) Level: 65 Power Level: 68 Price: 26,800 3117 Sellback: 13,400 1558 Location: Fiends Like These... Type: Ranged Element: Darkness Damage: 10-30 BTH: 9 SPECIAL Hits: 1 Type: Ranged Element: Darkness Damage: 277.4% Base and Random Stats: 501.0% BTH: +18 plus Stats Rate: 100% Note: This is treated as a normal Player attack, not a Special. DESCRIPTION These hunting bows were fashioned by Noctros himself and they are known for their remarkable accuracy. [image]http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/3316/grimstalker.png[/image] Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Basic stats thanks to bszoke88 and BlackAces. Correction thanks to Ward_Point. Analysis The special starts out as a standard bow attack (90% of an average armor attack), which is 273.6% Base, Random, and 493.9% Stats, with +8 BTH. Since the weapon doesn't have an actual Special attack, it deals *1.02/0.9 damage. Also, the attack gains +10 BTH and deals *85/95 damage to compensate.