Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel DN October 18th, 2011 - Sorry for the delay (10/19/2011 22:30:21)
@Sparticus: Not to be an angry ranter, but people have been patient with the release over and over, week by week already. If this was the first delayed release, I bet you we wouldn't be ranting. The only problem is, this is so consistent that it's becoming a problem. Which release(s) have been On-Time in the last 10 releases? This is why people are getting annoyed. And really, if once a week releases are too tough to handle, I think the old saying means something like "Don't try to finish something you can't finish and put it off and apologize. Just lengthen the time you have to do the task", aka, Post in a DN that ED will release bi-weekly, and thanks for consideration. The bi-weekly release will be bigger than the weekly release though. And no more delays (hopefully) from now on, or very rarely for special cases (ie, everyone at the Lab caught the flu...) That way, ED community might grumble a little, but the Devs kept their word and ED can't complain. ED was bi-weekly releases in Beta...or was it once-a-month back in Beta? [8|]. But if you guys delay the bi-weekly release, you have no excuses or apologies. 2 weeks is a long time to work...even if coding is hard. In those weeks you should AT LEAST be able to churn SOMETHING out. Thanks for reading.