Oooooooo Errrrrrrrr (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel General Discussion


Fay Beeee -> Oooooooo Errrrrrrrr (10/19/2011 15:37:19)

Just flicking through some of the forums and look what I noticed.

Read it along to the poster. :)

J3an Boy -> RE: Oooooooo Errrrrrrrr (10/19/2011 15:40:33)


Larcell -> RE: Oooooooo Errrrrrrrr (10/19/2011 15:41:00)

I saw that too, and when I clicked I got an "Access Denied" pop-up.

ConQrR -> RE: Oooooooo Errrrrrrrr (10/19/2011 15:43:22)

I saw it too. Said access denied. then gone in a minute.

Fay Beeee -> RE: Oooooooo Errrrrrrrr (10/19/2011 15:43:57)

^ I tried it too :)
Could not access LOL

Shadowlord9k -> RE: Oooooooo Errrrrrrrr (10/19/2011 15:46:32)

Guess it wasn't.

Stabilis -> RE: Oooooooo Errrrrrrrr (10/19/2011 15:47:29)

"This is important..."


They must have discovered that there are different coffee drinks such as cappuccinos and expressos and lattes [>:].

Adam in Wonderland -> RE: Oooooooo Errrrrrrrr (10/19/2011 15:55:41)

That is NOT a good sign. Apparently an urgent message from Titan to the other Admins/Mods/Testers, possibly ArchKnights.
I highly doubt that Titan would type an urgent message to let the staff know everything is going smoothly and ready to update. It must mean a problem with the coding (again) and letting them know that the mob will be ready with torches and pitchforks if things are dleayed yet again.

Complete speculation on my part. I hope (for a change) I am wrong, but again, if things are ready and running smoothly, I doubt Titan would post an important message to the entire staff to read.

Scakk -> RE: Oooooooo Errrrrrrrr (10/19/2011 15:57:29)

That was not Titan. Thread was removed. This thread is now locked.

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