=ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (Full Version)

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Practel -> =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 18:41:41)

Hey guys,
I was just told I could make a video about the retrain revamp!

Here it is here:

Enjoy it, and happy dueling!

EpicDuel Game Tester

here is a sneak peak of level 34!


Tagged! ~Ashari

ur going to fail -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 18:43:13)


edit: twitter link doesn't work

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 18:44:41)

I'm in middle of video, and 680 is worth the retraining[8D] also the new retraining mode looks awesome, it seems so easy to use[:)] Nice video by the way!

Wraith -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 18:45:17)

WooHoo! Practel to the rescue!

Thank you Practel :)

Practel -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 18:46:14)

Here you guys go in case you cant view the image


Wootz -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 18:50:20)

311 HP is so original.

Master Volcon -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 19:16:01)

how can you change your gear in the middle of retraining? I understand you can cancel it, it just seems like a lot of work to move around over 130 attribute points, realize you forgot to equip your gun. then have to go through the entire process all over again

Also you can not check your req. for weapons without having to start all over. So you would not be able to tell if you have met them unless you wrote them down before hand. Which is a lot of trouble.

680 credits seems like a lot...

I assume it would be around 660 for level 33's. I thought we wanted something cheaper not more expensive?

Overall interesting, I hope some things get fixed before the update but very well done :)

Rayman -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 19:18:50)

:O lvl 1 heal is +37 at lvl 34? :D

rej -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 19:22:09)

Mehehehe, i knocked the like/dislike to 50% each...

On topic: Hmm, why 680? why not leave it at a max of 500 or lower?

Sparticus -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 19:52:53)

I'm also questioning the retrain cost. What if I want to change one stat point? Is it less? If I adjust one stat point or one skill point will it cost me 680 credits? I thought if you retrain less it cost less? Slight adjustments cost more then before then. New system cost more at level 34? Will it cost 700?

Practel -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 19:57:41)

^ In the video, I was level 34 and I believe the price was 680 for level 34

Wraith -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 20:04:19)


:O lvl 1 heal is +37 at lvl 34? :D

@raymanpwner: Ashari mentioned that she would be buffing heals, to either +31 at level 33 or higher, in this case higher!

Lord Nub -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 20:08:53)

Awesome much easier.

classifiedname -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 20:10:23)


Renzan -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 20:24:26)

@Practel How are you a ED game tester?

PD -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 20:28:12)

^^ He tested Xyo's game PTRO. He also knew stuff about ED.

rej -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 20:31:23)


^^ He tested Xyo's game PTRO. He also knew stuff about ED.

Indeed. odd, though, that the staff would allow someone so young to test their games, when they have such a strict moderator age policy.

Note, however, that i never once called Practel a moderator. just so that slower people don't get anything confused.

Practel -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 20:31:25)

^ To back what PD said, I tested Xyo's PTRO an upcoming Minigame for AE, and I also found out about some game changing bugs, which I helped provide information for.

For an example:
A while ago there was a bug where you could randomly get banned in ED, so I looked for ways to find the bug and provided as much information as possible.

Another good way to help out, is to not complain and support the game and the devs, :)

I have no moderation abilities ingame.

Anyways we are getting off-topic, if you would like to know anything else please PM me.


The Joker X -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 21:11:45)

So anyone wanna do the math for how much xp we need for lvl 34? :o

FrostHS -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 21:17:30)

Aproximatly 20k i think. 75k for 33 and about 98k for 34 so that leaves about 20k EXP to farm... *sigh* Here we go again...

The Joker X -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 21:22:57)

Omg! Thats gonna take like forever! :O

FrostHS -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 21:23:21)

Yea I know :!

ND Mallet -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 21:27:22)

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the experience to level up hasn't been changing since lvl 30 and up. It's been 13580 to level up since level 30.

Wraith -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 21:33:40)

92750?-75280=17470 or so Experience is only a 3,000 rise. Not really huge, only a additional 250 battles. I look forward to this.

By the way, I think 92,750 was the needed amount for Level 34, and 75,280 for 33, but I'm not certain - On tablet device at the moment so I can't pop back and forth between webpages.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Retrain Revamp Sneak Peak! (10/20/2011 21:53:04)

92500 - 75180 = 17320
17320 / 12 = 1444 wins for lvl 34 (rounded up)
this is assuming u get 12 exp every fight.
and this isn't counting power hour either.

so its 1444 wins without power hour

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