RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (Full Version)

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Argeus the Paladin -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/29/2011 2:37:24)

BTW, I think I've made up my mind what I want to write for NaNo: A fanfic of Mount and Blade that also acts as an (affectionate) parody of Fate/Stay Night as well as various visual novels. [:D]

"Meet Harlina "Rina" Swadches (i.e. this guy, about 40-45 years younger and flip-gendered), a permanent guest/tenant in the homestead of Takashi Mitsumaru.

Being the only son of a wealthy Japanese industrialist, Takashi had the chance to live on his own in a quiet, mountainside, snowy town in his own mansion. His upbringing up to that point as well as certain incidents in his childhood had shaped him up to be a fairly pleasant young man whose only quirk was that he believed with all due sincerity that his life will undoubtedly unfold like one of those paranormal harem visual novel. In particular, he'd meet some extremely interesting, otherworldly female being on a quest intricately woven with his own past, a quest he would gladly jump in with her, confront sadistic and psychopathic enemies, overcome all dangers and challenges, and end up saving the world and finding an "alien, esper, timetraveler" girlfriend at the end of the day.

Suffice to say he thought he was one step from realizing his life-long dream when he found Rina half-dead at his doorstep, dressed in a suit of Swadian full plate armor. The rumor that some sort of demon-worshipping cult were running loose in town he picked up in school only strengthened his beliefs, a belief that, ultimately, would be only half right at the very most."

Un67 -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/29/2011 22:56:46)

I've finally taken some effort to edit my synopsis and as a result it looks and reads much better. Still have a lot of blanks to fill out for during NaNo, but I guess that's part of the fun.

Wildroses -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/30/2011 5:26:28)

I've gotten two emails from NaNoWriMo this week, one a roadmap of November and one a budget video. It makes this daunting task I have set myself so much realer. I've started saying: "What was I thinking? I must be utterly mad!" to people.

Planning isn't going badly. I see the story as having four distinct parts, and I've written a loose plan/ordering to parts one, two and three. I need to stop and figure out my characters more before I can do part four. In part four, a lot of new people are introduced and before I can plot it I need to know who they are. Plus I have to go back over parts one, two and three and give the characters there things I haven't given them yet, like names. I'm new to this, okay?

I probably ought to go and poke around the site as well, and fill in my own blanks.

Argeus the Paladin -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/30/2011 6:34:22)

I am assuming we don't need to finish the novel - just reach 50K and we're done, am I right?

Un67 -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/30/2011 10:09:34)

^ That is indeed true, but finishing is preferable.

sysdragonfable -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/30/2011 12:07:47)

*Looks at the date* TWO DAYS AWAY!?!?!? I have three novels in mind how am I supposed to pick between them! Dear Lord help me oh god oh god

*Starts being shaked by a hobo* Calm down everythings going to be alright.

*Please do not respond, this is a mental breakdown. I tend to exaggerate.

Un67 -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/30/2011 13:30:09)

Pick? You silly goose, why would you make it a choice? [8D]

Seriously though, nothing's stopping you from taking elements of all of them and putting them together. It would give you more to work with, would it not?

demolitiondragon -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/31/2011 3:50:52)

@ sysdragonfable: Then you're all set for December and January as well. =P

Argeus the Paladin -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/31/2011 4:13:23)

Here it's 5 *hours* before NaNo begins. I'm ready for whatever.

Good luck, everyone!

sysdragonfable -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/31/2011 16:45:56)

*Pops xanax* well, I am ready! I got one in mind, working on another as a side project(for some reason working on two balances out the writers block for me) and I have a large supply of Hot Pockets ready!

Un67 -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/31/2011 16:54:26)

Alas, I probably cannot start until 5:00 PM tomorrow due to sleep, a club meeting, and various other stuff. Still, I'll have at least a good three hours for that day, and probably four or five for all the others, so I should be fine.

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/31/2011 22:02:03)

I am thinking that I will keep track of my progress on the forums. Most likely, what I think I will do is post each day's progress with word count. And if I don't, Superjars will certainly let me know.

I am excited. Oddly enough, I tried this last year, but I wasn't as excited. This should work in my favour.

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/31/2011 22:11:41)

Oh dear... I feel completely unprepared. I don't know how to start The Martyr, the Tratior and the Enigma. It revolves around a kid with social issues who has no faith and is ready to just disappear off the face of the Earth. How do I work with an intro for that? *panics*

demolitiondragon -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (10/31/2011 22:33:48)

^ Introduce him? [;)] No kidding, an intro is exactly that. Like how you'd introduce a new friend to the rest of the herd (aka, introduce your characters to the reader), your territory (the world of the story and the places in it), history (backstory, perhaps) and rules. Just a little at first, so they don't get lost.

@ Eukara: There seems to be a fair bit more community spirit with it this year.

Argeus the Paladin -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/1/2011 8:38:38)

Today's word count: 2518 words, including formatting. A good start as any.

Anyone interested in my NaNo attempt can find it posted in the Archive!

Wildroses -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/1/2011 9:35:14)

I'm going to imitate Eukara and Argeus.

Today I wrote 2083 words. My aim right now is 2000 words a day. 1667 is the daily minimum. Mid November my cousin in the country gets married, and I want to be ahead when that comes as I'm likely to lose some days. It took sooo long writing those 2083 words. I need to organise my day better. Mind you, I lost a lot of writing time this morning doing some character planning I should have done earlier. Now that's done maybe the day won't vanish. I'm hoping now I've actually started it will get easier. I find starting hard. I tend not to see my beginnings clearly. I see scenes from the middle of the book and work backwards from there, which can be difficult.

I don't think I'll post my NaNo attempt here. My first drafts tend to be bloated and disgusting. I never let anyone read my work until it has been edited a minimum of five times. Plus I'm not 100% sure some of the scenes would be quite appropriate for this forum. I mean, tomorrow I'm going to write about the murder of my protagonist's five brothers and mother. I felt like a monster writing all these characters I'm going to have killed. But they have to go, otherwise Sylvia and her father won't do things they just NEED to do for the sake of the story.

jerenda -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/1/2011 14:16:35)

Noon on the first day, I've barely managed to start, and suddenly I'm realizing how little practice I have writing a story in such a way so that it could feasibly be told aloud. And as if it's being made up on the fly, no prior memorization. Granted, my speaker does wax very poetic at points, but the majority of it needs to be simple language, sensible stuff. Speaker only gets to be poetic during climaxes and when Listener wakes him/her/it up in the middle of the night and demands story.

I cut the NaNo word count in half, since I think 25,000 words will be much more doable for me without completely destroying my social life, so my daily word minimum is 834 words. I'll report back with my word count once I have it. ^_^

Un67 -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/1/2011 19:35:20)

I'm making good progress so far. 2286 words, there's likely going to be more coming tonight when I have more time. I might post some of my stuff from NaNo here, probably an excerpt or two, but until then I'll just focus on writing. It's not my greatest writing, but I find that it's decent enough.

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/1/2011 19:44:44)

Eheh, thanks for the suggestion Demolition, but I'm still drawing a blank. I have nothing done today. [:(] Hopefully I'll be able to make time tomorrow...

Un67 -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/1/2011 20:00:38)

^ The more you hold back starting, the more it will haunt you later. Just begin with something, even a token attempt at writing. Try beginning with a physical description of him: how tall he his, what color hair he has, what colored eyes he has, what clothing he wears, how big he is, etc. It's better to have a little bit done than nothing.

superjars -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/1/2011 21:59:53)

Well, day 1 and I'm 1,856 words in. I had been shooting to get a jump start on words this week, but my first chapter came to an end at this point and it seemed silly to get started on the next one. I've never been much of a planner, so those words took a while to write (being on IRC probably didn't help much). I may need to take my laptop and go elsewhere to hit my goal easier in the coming days. We'll see how the rest of this week goes.

To follow my progress, you can look here: NaNoWriMo 2011.

Un67 -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/1/2011 22:11:54)

After finishing up my writing for the evening, I've hit 3104 words! Huzzah! Most of them are probably awful words, but whatever, that's precisely the point of NaNo.

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/1/2011 23:02:44)

Well, my first day is done. I would have loved to do more, even had much more outlined, but parenthood and computer issues called.

But for now, first day = 2489

NaNoWriMo 2011 - Putting Barbie to Bed

Anon Y. Mous -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/2/2011 0:39:02)

hahaha, i have a friend in real life who's putting off writing her college application essays in order to take a crack at NaNoWriMo. seems a bit inadvisable :P

Wildroses -> RE: =Mech= National Novel Writing Month (11/2/2011 8:24:13)

Second day and I didn't write anything. My volunteer job today was insanely busy, and unpacking and hanging up an entire large box full of clothes which hadn't been touched for six months set off my poor struggling sinus's, who aren't coping with the worst year on record for pollen. I can write when I'm exhausted, and when my head is aching, but not both. I'll have to make it up tomorrow. I have the afternoon free.

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