RE: Good Bye, Old Friend, you will be missed. (Full Version)

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rej -> RE: Good Bye, Old Friend, you will be missed. (10/24/2011 17:01:45)

^who is as powerful as a boss npc of his level. i mean, seriously, if you do the math, he has more total stat points than bigtuna.

Minus123 -> RE: Good Bye, Old Friend, you will be missed. (10/24/2011 23:46:24)


oh well, we still have his relative electro

Ya bro, he hurts me bad :(, I dont like him

The shadow guards are awesome though, they even let me borrow 1 of their helmets for a quest

Joe10112 -> RE: Good Bye, Old Friend, you will be missed. (10/24/2011 23:47:54)

Goodbye, Heavy Mine/Bio Guards. I forgot to thank you for my 90% win ratio on you. (The 10% when when I forgot to play ED while playing ED and you got 10 free turns...)

And Hello Bio Hazard Level 26! In one more level, I will have to go to level 28!

rej -> RE: Good Bye, Old Friend, you will be missed. (10/25/2011 19:16:05)

^actualy, there's at least 2 level 27 npcs. both of them in barren outpost.

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