Having partys in Epic Duel... (Full Version)

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axiel -> Having partys in Epic Duel... (10/25/2011 9:35:19)

I think Epic Duel should have a big par at each of the testing phases such as Alpha,Founder,Beta,Gamma and Delta.
Wouldnt it be Greate to meat all the old players and all the staf and have a epic group meeting in game or just have fun and celebrate the
awesome event :D i think it would be kewl :)

Usaly people have little partys in house with 5 people and say its enjoyable but imagen all your old friends and staff there waiting to have a chat and have fun in one little room :D it'll be like ozz but in a house and thats a great way to make new friends .
its also a good way to help the new Gamma,Delta players to make new friends.. and socilize in game :)

What do you guys think ?? Should there be a part for each phase of the game ?
I want to hear what you guys thing *see... i can't hear you lo*

Dj Vergz ~

Mecha Mario -> RE: Having partys in Epic Duel... (10/25/2011 15:27:44)

Locking this up. Organizing any in-game events belongs =ED= Let's Party/Duel - Community Events Thread. Make sure you read the rules of the Party thread as well.

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