Argeus the Paladin -> RE: =mech= Starting (10/26/2011 20:47:24)
On the contrary, I find beginning a story much, MUCH more easier than ending it. I have more than a few ways to do it. 1) For a short story: - A vague description of the setting as a whole. - A vague description of the main character. 2) For a novel: - A description of the first scene and the people in it. - A description of the first character, which "zooms out" into the scene and other characters. 3) For both: - A philosophical non sequitur that would be revisited later. This is also quite risky a method, but it can work. Personally, I am not one for a story that jumps into dialogue right off the bat unless it is very well written. Furthermore, when you start, IMO, you need to answer this question ASAP: "Why should we, as readers, care about these characters?". My way of doing this is by establishing as much of the characters' superficial personality as you can from the get-go by showing, not telling, so that the readers would get a "feel" for them. When that is done, well, that's your opening done.