=DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (Full Version)

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Mritha -> =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/28/2011 20:13:43)

All commentary for the war stories and poems will go here. I can hardly wait to see what crazy and inspiring stories you guys come up with this time :D

Post your war Poems and Stories here!

Mortarion -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/28/2011 21:03:09)

I wonder, will you make a history mrithy

Mritha -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/28/2011 21:35:00)

I might ;) depends on how much time I have.

Mortarion -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/28/2011 21:36:20)

*tries to do sith mind trick* You'll have time to writte a war history, you'll have time to do a war history........it isn't working, right?

sysdragonfable -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/28/2011 22:05:49)

mine is very very short, and the ending isnt much.

Mritha -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/28/2011 22:10:31)

I liked it a lot sysdragon! It kind of reminded me of Captain Keys from one of the Halo books as he slowly became one of the flood.

Mortarion -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/28/2011 22:30:22)

you and your halo references Mrithy, oh rll, everybody is obssesed with something

deather98 -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/28/2011 22:31:27)

mines in working progress and as i progress in this war it will be updated on that thread

Cataclysm -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/28/2011 22:51:07)

This war, while at a splendid time for me personally, couldn't have come at a worse time literarily (that's a word now, shaddap).

I'm wrapping up Cataclysm: Origins, which is great, but NaNoWriMo is just coming up, and I plan on taking on that challenge, meaning I won't have the time nor the will to write another story. This one isn't even getting me in, unfortunately. I wish I could, but circumstances permit me not.

Kinzdor -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/29/2011 10:11:51)

I just posted mine. What do you think?

Mritha -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/29/2011 11:05:50)

@deather, Your story was good, but I recommend using more punctuation to make is easier to understand. Specifically periods and commas.

@kinz, Yours was good too, I liked the motivational speech at the end :)

Mortarion -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/29/2011 11:12:18)

You know what I'd like Mrithy? That you make a history :D, I might also make a history

deather98 -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/29/2011 11:30:47)

thanks mritha i had posted it while i was half asleep and fighting. plus dealing with few things rl so might be awhile before i can edit it.

sysdragonfable -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/29/2011 15:13:15)


I liked it a lot sysdragon! It kind of reminded me of Captain Keys from one of the Halo books as he slowly became one of the flood.

Thanks. Am thinking of writing another as I cant get past my archenemy Writers Block for the book I am writing. Havnt even started and Writers Block is kickin my butt(I feel childish saying butt).

@Deather98@Kinzvlle I liked your stories but could you do me one small favor? Could you perhaps space out the lines a little? Not saying each one but every four lines or so. Read the same line twice and I went "What the hell, did he just put the same line twice?" Not thats it a bad thing it just makes it easier for people to read. Common mistake.

nield -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/29/2011 23:16:50)

Wrote a little ditty

sysdragonfable -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/30/2011 12:33:43)

Wrote a little ditty(looks up) dang already taken!

Wrote a little story.

bulbaman1 -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/31/2011 8:28:46)

I hope mine was good. If there is one thing I love, it is writing Artix Entertainment stories.

sysdragonfable -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/31/2011 22:32:59)

Wrote another one(I should really write a poem...) now before you read it I suggest you read THIS because the main character is from a character from a book I am writing. Nothing serious like "I wanna publish this to penguin" no no, just something I do on the side to pass the time. Obviously there is not much detail in Creature(not even his name...) but this pretty much shows the "can take on anyone" kinda character I made him. Why I did that you ask? Major writers block and I thought write something that involved him may get me past the writers block wall *Crosses fingers*. Feedback is apprieciated.

@bulbaman1 your story was pretty darn good. I liked how you used the chronomancer class into the story as other have not(used ingame classes), and you used the dragon which again others have not(I tried but failed). So kudos to you sir! Now I really need to start writing something else besides zardbie war things...

Faerdin -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (10/31/2011 23:18:22)

I'm kind of tired, so this isn't really my best work, but I attempted to write a rather short story depicting the helplessness of Doomwood's inhabitants. After all, not everyone is a Hero.
Everyone's writings have been absolutely amazing so far.. it is nice to see more than mere bloodshed in wars. Do not lose hope; let's drive these Zardbies back, people!

Kinzdor -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (11/1/2011 0:21:45)

Added more to my story.

Dragonman -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (11/3/2011 19:47:21)

I've been putting my LNN on the stories, I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do. :D

Kinzdor -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (11/4/2011 14:39:43)

I have posted my Daily Dragons!

Dragonman -> RE: =DF= Zardbie War 2011 Stories and Poetry Discussion (11/4/2011 16:26:29)

Lol the croft reach radios and Daily dratgoons too, fun to read, seems lke I started a trend :P

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