Vivox (Full Version)

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Retrosaur -> Vivox (10/28/2011 23:48:22)

Oh hai dere guise :D

I thought it would be prudent of me to suggest implementing Vivox into EpicDuel. Vivox is essentially a voice chat thing.

So we can 2v2 voice chat ;3 Voice chat with NPC's :3 Voice chat in 1v1 :3 Heck, voice chat with yourself!

Please add some nice discussions.. Afterall, this is ED General Discussion.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Vivox (10/28/2011 23:49:15)

i like vivox
all it requires is a mic and a hotkey to activate the speaking system.
altho i think thats too complex for ED hyped.

Retrosaur -> RE: Vivox (10/28/2011 23:49:52)

Wut how could u be against it O.o. o.o. -.o o.- NOOOOOOOOOOO

goldslayer1 -> RE: Vivox (10/28/2011 23:50:42)

im not against it lol
im just saying i doubt titan could code Vivox into ED.
i know its a good system but yeah u know what i mean.

plus there would also should be a voice chat ignore.
cause u know how annoying it is to hear a 9 year old kid talk on the mic in like they do in CA.
specially those girls in combat arms who get on the mic to sing justin bieber lmao.
(yeah i actually heard girls sing justin bieber while playing combat arms, i had to turn the thign off cause my ears almost started bleeding)

Rayman -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 0:15:29)

I dnt wanna hear all the Oz world 6 voices at the same time .-.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 0:21:57)

it doesn't work in rooms like those or lobbies.
(in combat arms they would have like a thousand people per channel, it would be a disaster if they could all talk at the same time in one room)
so vivox is limited to battles, and private voice chat. (perhaps faction HQ aswell)

InceptionAE -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 13:19:39)

Voice chat should be implemented. So I support this feature. However, let it be optional.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 13:40:52)

if its not gonna cause lag i support

VIX -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 13:58:29)

Supported and 100%

I'm gonna post an amazing Idea about vivox ( Chat ) system when i get free time i'm sure devs gonna love this idea .


Calogero -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 14:34:52)

I can hear it allready...
f4f f4f f4f f4f f4f f4f f4f f4f plz let me win f4f f4f... and so on and so on...

Besides, Voice chat can't be cencured like Text...
I can allready hear the cussing next to the f4f spam

so not supported

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 14:46:46)

if its optional and 100% lag free then sure, great idea :)

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 16:45:23)

as long as we can block it too because like Andy said its just giving begging a step up while giving us a better time

Calogero -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 16:49:22)


Perhaps only in Friend Chat??
Then it would be more ' contained ' and Oz wouldn't be a bigger Famecesspool then it is now...

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 16:52:11)

just from PM chat and lets say challenge matches because i do not keep PM chats open while challenging a friend

nico0las -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 19:30:24)

I love vivox. The one problem is there's a lot of younger people out there who play ED, and we can't censor...

goldslayer1 -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 19:32:36)

ok some simple solutions.
vivox only for 13 of age and up.

and be able to turn it off.

in combat arms which has vivox, u have the option of turning it off by hitting the f8 button. and then back on with the same button.

in this case that button would be in the options menu of ED.

Calogero -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 19:46:47)

@ Gold

Lots of kids lie about their age when making accounts etc...

toggle sounds nice but keeping it ' Buddy list ' only would be better

F8? Can't even use Enter for the captcha

to bed now so I'll responce in a few hours.

Illuminator -> RE: Vivox (10/29/2011 19:49:25)

Please post suggestions in ED Suggestions, General Discussion is for in-game discussion only.


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