BlackAces -> Harvenger G (10/30/2011 2:31:22)
[img][/img] Harvenger G Also see: Harvenger Z and Harvenger Level: 132 Power Level: 135 Price: 961750 3,362,828 Gold Sellback: 480875 1,681,414 Gold Location: Ballyhoo's Rare Item Shops! (50% encounter rate) Type: Melee Element: Ice Damage: 15-44 BTH: 21 SPECIAL Hits: 2 Type: Magic Element: Ice Damage: 698% Base and Random each Stats: 495.5% each* BTH: 51 Rate: 20% *Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs. DESCRIPTION Just as the cold of winter can ruin a harvest, the Harvenger will ruin your enemies! [image][/image] Writeup thanks to The Finnish Phoenix. Image and description thanks to BlackAces. Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Corrections thanks to UltraGuy and Xrai. Analysis The weapon receives a free 4 Bth boost due to being a Ballyhoo item and receives no penalty for it as it equates to a Mastercraft bonus for free. (Already included above)