What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (Full Version)

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Midnightsoul -> What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/5/2011 22:17:39)

rules still apply and please dont say ur worried about the day the game dies. everything dies.

now...what im worried about epicduel the most is balance between classes, lvl ranges for solos, teams,AND ESPECIALLY JUGGERNAUT. to me, everything is balance...balance..balance...*gets a weight scale* hm...so, what are u worried about the most?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/5/2011 22:24:08)

Im most worried about the community

We react to everything and if we did the same event twice i can promise you we would take it different each time

zenix -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 9:32:22)

I actually worry about 2 parts equally:
- Juggernaut Battle Mode
- Pricing

Juggernaut simply discourages new gamers from playing, when they see that a single varium fed character with only little higher level beats 2 characters.
This gives them the feeling "pay to play" and "stupid game" (this were the nicer comments i recieved).
I played Jugg as full varium level 33 TLM. And i played it as non varium level 27-28 BH, so i've seen and heard both sides. Juggernaut should be completely taken out. Or at least
frozen until level 35 is reached and then block it vor Juggernauts who are below that level.

Pricing will be going amok. We already now have items that cost 2000/2200 varium (okay, rare items, but still) just to buy and then 1200+ varium for enhencements.
Regular equipment pricing with the level 33 items went from 995 varium (Celtic Maul and most other lvl 30-32 items) to 1200 varium (Draconic Destroyer). Plus the enhencements thats
2400 varium or almost 25% of a big varium pack or 12,50 $... for one single piece of equipment ? And we've just reached the levelcap of 34, i guess ED will at least rise to lvl 40 [:-]

rajkumar -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 9:40:26)

I am just worry about the varium price thats all i wish i become less in my country. And all things are fine in epic duel its the best game i played and will be playing in future.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 9:49:32)

well there are loads of stuff which makes me worry.here is the list of things.

- pricing of varium
- Enhancements
-varium/non var gap
-silver card/ quest item in the inventory which are not used and taking up bag space

Varium pricing
well i find buying varium to be a waste of $. u can spend like 10k var in just 1 day. it is hard to save and most varium weps are basically over priced imho.

the prices are still to expensive as i have explained and proved in this tread click

ed has been from alpha to beta to gamma and now delta and yet there is no tutorial wat so ever that worries me as most noobs do not know wat is a npc and battling light city guard at the start is not i repeat NOT counted as a tutorial. Ed really need a tutorial.

varium/non var gap
most things ere discussed in this tread click

silver card/ quest item in the inventory which are not used and taking up bag space
this is getting annoying as most non var only have like 20 bag slots and if these quest items need bag slots or take up bag slot we would be left with no choice but to sell so me of or seasonal and that is not nice to do. so pls make a separate bag for quest items like how aqw does or make the item destroyable.

I am Primal -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 9:58:07)

balance and the community

Dendavex -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 10:04:58)

I worry about the future players
to many reasons but i'm sure you can think of them

Midnightsoul -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 11:17:51)

u have no idea how much i've screwed up in my past because of no tutorials. xD

endtime -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 11:31:56)

Pricing. In the past you could fully equip yourself with the best weapons with less than 3*1000 (gun, primary, aux) + 500 (armor) = 3,500 varium.

Now with enhancements, 3,500 varium can only get you one quality weapon.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 13:07:38)

well i ruined like 3 files(merc,mage and bh) in order to really understand each and every class. 3 files were wasted for trial and error. this could easily be resolved by just making a tutorial or linking a tutorial video from youtube like they did when the wanted to show how they made Azreal's bane and Celtic cleaver. its delta and do u see any tutorial. imho the devs are not making a tutorial cause they want more noobs in ed. some noobs buy varium because they think is the only way out. noobs buying var= $$. $$=devs happy. happy devs= no need to add tutorial because if we add tutorial there would be lesser noob and lesser noobs buying varium. i m not saying that buying varium is stupid but i think the devs are making use of these noobs and that is wrong.

Dendavex -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 14:40:57)

Your 100% right if ED made tutorials they make a less amount of profit
but make excellent players and stuff!

Basicball -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 15:43:31)

right, what about this: in the next 2-3 weeks, i'll be making a series of tutorials, an i'll upload them to my Epicduelmegaupdate youtube channel or everyone to see and use.

PD -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 15:46:58)

I'm worried about the part that nobody approaches Balance holistically.

DeathGuard -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 15:51:27)

BasicBall, mind if I help you with some tutorials?
@PD: I'm, I will create a new build for the new items I got and tlms may receive a little nerf . What do you mean with hollistically?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 15:54:14)

@Death he means as a whole we tent to part Balance out and most of the time we end up making a bigger hole

DeathGuard -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 15:56:45)

@OWA: Now I got it, we are putting so much air in a balloon, that it is more sensible each time until it will explode (this is a metaphor*)

Basicball -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 15:57:04)

@ death: no, i would not mind, please pm me so wa can arrange this further.

Renzan -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 16:15:59)

Balance and the varium non-varium gap.

nico0las -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 17:08:18)

Two main points:
-The prices
-The community

Prices: Here, I'm going to address primarily enhancements. Prices are only climbing and climbing as we become stronger and stronger. Soon, we will have 11 enhancement slots. 12. There will never be an end. We pay nearly 10$ to fully enhance a delta weapon, for example. ED will begin (as if it already hasn't) to lose players due to how expensive these enhancements are. Varium is payed for in blood, sweat and tears. I don't see how it's that great if we have so little of it when the prices are so high. There are many different players out there. Some can afford it, some can't. Whichever, I don't think they're happy paying 10$ for ONE ITEM. Not only varium, but credits as well. 20 000 credits for 5 enhancements is a lot of money, and not that large of an advantage in battle. No one in the right mind would pay 100 000 credits for an enhancement, and the ED body, composed of mostly non-variums, is suffering from a disadvantage, because they need credits just as much as us variums need it, but they can't spend them on enhancements, because they need gear and whatnot, whilst the variums don't NEED to spend credits. Also, the prices on normal gear is ridiculously high. If you're going to ask for 1300 varium for an armor, at least make it a good one, not some big, bulky thing than has near useless stats.

The community: How many times have I talked about the community? Well, let's do it again. The ED community is choked full of insane, stubborn, intolerant, self involved, overgrown babies. Mind you, there are great people in ED, who have, and still contribute strong, well spoken suggestions and recommendations to improve the game. Sadly, they are vastly outweighed by those who can't understand and accept flaws in what they're playing. We all play a role in the development of ED, and if the majority wish to contribute absolutely nothing, but more often tear down the team's work, then we have a problem. The team can't successfully put out a release without some idiot ranting all over the forums, criticizing their work, with very poor to no ground on which to stand on. ED cannot stand without the community changing for the better. To stop bringing down the game, being loyal despite the balance issue, to realize all games have their problems and we must all work together to fix it.

There are other points to address, such as 2v2 balancing, juggernaut, etc, but I honestly found these the two to be the most important ATM.

supermasivo -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 17:14:21)

ehmmm... REPORT system is totally useless... i've been insulted so so so many times and i've reported so many times and i keep watching those "trolls" playing like xXUrielxX and many more varium-non varium players requesting free varium, asking my pass or something like that.
Report system TOTALLY useless.

Drianx -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 18:17:07)

Two things to say here:
Investment protection: yeah, prices are high, but it depends on how long can you be sure that investing a sum of X thousands worth of varium will provide you with the best stuff in the game. You can easily spend a lot on the best armor and enhancements for them right now, and within a few days there might be an update that brings a much better armor than the one you spent a lot on.

the amount of time needed to do something right: balance is a good example for this. I am absolutely sure than within 2-3 weeks of intense testing on a testing server with a selected and reasonably high number of players, they can adjust balance once and for all. It is too bad that it must take so many months to bring good balance - however every failed attempt has brought some modifications to the game, that further ruined some builds, but made others stronger - Field Medic fixed heal amount for example, is a huge advantage for Reroute classes using high HP builds, although it was meant to nerf support merc builds. So far, balance adjustments were only aimed at nerfing the dominant class+build combo, but every single time another dominant class+build arises and shines much too quickly. The development team may be small, but I think it is also lacking ideas and open-mindedness.

Many people are worried about the badmouthing community - there is a simple solution: the Ignore Chat button. It would be an option for those who want to duel without being begged for fame or harassed or whatever.

PD -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/7/2011 12:15:12)


@PD: I'm, I will create a new build for the new items I got and tlms may receive a little nerf . What do you mean with hollistically?

I meant the fact that people don't ever look at how something affects the other. You have to take everything into consideration of how nerfing a skill would relate to the stat-skill relation and vice verse. You'd also have to figure how it would affect the enemy, and the stat value as a whole. There's multiple factors that make a problem. The physical manifestations aren't the problems. The source is the problem.

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