nico0las -> RE: What part of EpiDuel do u worry about the most? (11/6/2011 17:08:18)
Two main points: -The prices -The community Prices: Here, I'm going to address primarily enhancements. Prices are only climbing and climbing as we become stronger and stronger. Soon, we will have 11 enhancement slots. 12. There will never be an end. We pay nearly 10$ to fully enhance a delta weapon, for example. ED will begin (as if it already hasn't) to lose players due to how expensive these enhancements are. Varium is payed for in blood, sweat and tears. I don't see how it's that great if we have so little of it when the prices are so high. There are many different players out there. Some can afford it, some can't. Whichever, I don't think they're happy paying 10$ for ONE ITEM. Not only varium, but credits as well. 20 000 credits for 5 enhancements is a lot of money, and not that large of an advantage in battle. No one in the right mind would pay 100 000 credits for an enhancement, and the ED body, composed of mostly non-variums, is suffering from a disadvantage, because they need credits just as much as us variums need it, but they can't spend them on enhancements, because they need gear and whatnot, whilst the variums don't NEED to spend credits. Also, the prices on normal gear is ridiculously high. If you're going to ask for 1300 varium for an armor, at least make it a good one, not some big, bulky thing than has near useless stats. The community: How many times have I talked about the community? Well, let's do it again. The ED community is choked full of insane, stubborn, intolerant, self involved, overgrown babies. Mind you, there are great people in ED, who have, and still contribute strong, well spoken suggestions and recommendations to improve the game. Sadly, they are vastly outweighed by those who can't understand and accept flaws in what they're playing. We all play a role in the development of ED, and if the majority wish to contribute absolutely nothing, but more often tear down the team's work, then we have a problem. The team can't successfully put out a release without some idiot ranting all over the forums, criticizing their work, with very poor to no ground on which to stand on. ED cannot stand without the community changing for the better. To stop bringing down the game, being loyal despite the balance issue, to realize all games have their problems and we must all work together to fix it. There are other points to address, such as 2v2 balancing, juggernaut, etc, but I honestly found these the two to be the most important ATM.