Not only that, but it appears normal in the chat log, and your opponents can see what you say.
This is ruining 2v2 strategy. D:
IMG tags removed. ~Mecha
Midnightsoul -> RE: Major 2v2 alley chat bug (11/11/2011 22:18:05)
lol, same here man
Hatsuka -> RE: Major 2v2 alley chat bug (11/11/2011 22:21:43)
Lol fail xD
Mecha Mario -> RE: Major 2v2 alley chat bug (11/11/2011 23:09:53)
Locking this up. This bug has already been reported, and is being looked into. Next time you find a bug, please post it EpicDuel Bugs, not the ED GD. Thanks!