Stat Mods Limits? (Full Version)

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DeathGuard -> Stat Mods Limits? (11/11/2011 21:25:21)

Do you think that they should put this in-game so the stats abusers decrease in percent?
A limit should be no more than 40-45


Do you think this will actually work? It would higher the percent of focus users?Discuss!

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Stat Mods Limits? (11/11/2011 21:29:07)

So what would happen currently to the people who have extra stats over 40-45 on one stat? Would they just disapear? And besides that would they get a refund on varuim/credits? And that would force them all to retrain.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Stat Mods Limits? (11/11/2011 21:31:03)

^Lol. Interesting theory, maybe they would be moved to diffrent stats.

My Name is Jake -> RE: Stat Mods Limits? (11/11/2011 22:34:03)

I don't think there should be a limit.

drinde -> RE: Stat Mods Limits? (11/11/2011 22:40:11)

Why not? Isn't Stat-Abusing bad?

Anyways, I don't think anyone could get to +45 in all stat Mods.

Maybe +40 as the Maximum?

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Stat Mods Limits? (11/11/2011 22:59:40)

I agree with Jake a limit is not needed in my opinion. It be like their limiting us in every place. Forcing us all into 5 Focus builds. Because of high skill requirements and even stat mod requirements and weapon requirements. It be like what the heck! We are limited everywhere we turn.

DeathGuard -> RE: Stat Mods Limits? (11/12/2011 19:29:03)

So you say me you're preferring the super strength/support abusers spamming one whole stat without no strategy than some strategic build? I would prefer a interesting battle than a fast battle that doesn't worths nothing, also the other stats mods would be adjsuted to another stat.
The idea is to make a limit to every stat than can only have 45 stats each.


You got it now?

AQWPlayer -> RE: Stat Mods Limits? (11/12/2011 19:38:01)

I smell 5 focus str noobs...

Mecha Mario -> RE: Stat Mods Limits? (11/12/2011 23:59:16)

Locking this up. Please keep all balance discussions in the Balance Discussions thread.

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