uh? (Full Version)

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Xendran -> uh? (11/12/2011 3:27:37)

Elite big 50 and Wraith cannon both cost the same, have the same stats, but elite big 50 has 5 less damage for no discernable reason..?
Also, both guns are physical with identical stats and damage...?

goldslayer1 -> RE: uh? (11/12/2011 3:29:35)

i also noticed the guns are both physical and have same stats
only difference is requirements. i believe one of the guns was suppose to be energy.
and the aux with +34 was suppose to be +39.

i smell a rushed release.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: uh? (11/12/2011 3:36:55)

can you imagine the "uproar" if they had delayed the release ^^

goldslayer1 -> RE: uh? (11/12/2011 3:41:22)

from what i remember people prefer a "GOOD" delayed release than a crap rushed released
but then again thats just what i read from other positive forumities

PivotalDisorder -> RE: uh? (11/12/2011 4:08:38)

doesnt seem that crap to me, 200 credits instead of battle token and an error on an aux. I'm not 100% sure their was meant to be an energy gun this release.
most other games end up with a long list of broken stuff that has to be patched continually.

goldslayer1 -> RE: uh? (11/12/2011 4:12:31)

funny part is every wep in the armory has an energy and physical counterpart
guns is both physical
its safe to assume that it may have been a mistake.
because it makes no sense to release 2 guns both with the same stats and damage and both physical

Darkeroid -> RE: uh? (11/12/2011 4:13:53)

the wraith gun was supposed to be energy.the bazooka damage was supposed to be 39.the reward was supposed to be 200 B tokens.'Nuff said.

Ashari -> RE: uh? (11/12/2011 4:18:58)

You're correct, these are both bugs. Apologies for these bugs and any other that slipped by. It was bound to happen with the amount of content in this release, but the staff is aware of both of these issues and they will be fixed up for the next release.

The Elite Big 50 is supposed to be +39 damage and its damage will be raised accordingly. Both guns are also not supposed to be Physical. The Wraith Repeater is supposed to be Energy, not Physical. It will be changed to its correct type in the next update.

In the future, please use the EpicDuel Bugs forum for reporting bugs. Locking up

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