Retrosaur -> RE: Effect of Identity on a Person (11/13/2011 0:45:33)
I used to be a BH. His char page is RebelNinjaX. Go search it up. Basically, with no varium, I wasted countless credits retraining, and in the end, I was run bankrupt. I looked on these forums, and all I saw was "Merc OP", and back in the day, "BunkerBuster OP!111!!!". So when the mult. accounts came up, I made a new Mercenary. Needless to say, things went well (this was before delta). The default tank bb with hybrid was the most amazing combo build ever. I quickly reached level 30. During all this time I actually was doing a TON of AExtra offers. The only reason my "alt" ChronosXVII has varium was that I actually totaled 10k artix points on the EVE of delta. So I quickly redeemed that in for the gamma bot, gamma bike, and the stun guns. Wisest decision. But recently, as a full var tac merc, I grew bored. So I made another alt OmegaXVII, and made him a cyber hunter. Though unlike you Greenrain13, in that I'm using lower level weps, I have enjoyed the fun I have had with cyber hunter. Though it is majorly UP, it has been one of the more fun classes I have used in a while, the feeling you get when you've discovered your "perfect" build. Now if only CH's could be buffed :D