Hatsuka -> Weapon damage (11/14/2011 21:07:16)
What about adding some Damage to primary and secondary weapons.. Like add +1 damage each 2 level, example : Basic Club : Level 1 Damage : 14 So if you are level 33 The damage of the basic club is 14 + ( 32 : 2 ) = 14 + 16 = 30 So the damage will be 30 For Auxiliary Like add +1 damage for each 2 Level, Example : Bazooka : Level 15 Damage : 21 So if you are level 33 The damage of the bazooka is 21 + ( 18 : 2 ) = 21 + 9 = 30 So the damage will be 30 If you Use ghoul or spectral blaster It will be : Damage : 36 Level : 28 So if you are level 33 The damage of the bazooka is 36 + ( 5 : 2 ) = 36 + 2,5 = 38.5 ( so if it contain *0.5* its round up ) So the damage will be 39 So If the Beta Brutalizer : Primary and Secondary Damage : 28 Level : 25 So The damage will be 28 + ( 7 : 2 ) = 28 + 3.5 = 31.5 So the damage will be 32 Beta Bazooka Damage : 31 Level : 25 So the Damage will be 31 + ( 7 : 2 ) = 31 + 3.5 = 34.5 So the damage will be 35 I Hope You guys like my suggestion ~Rarton