Ianthe -> Urtran the UltraGuardian (11/15/2011 0:41:42)
Urtran the UltraGuardian «Scaling guest. Randomly selects from the standard eight elements» Location: Ghin vs. Awethur! Power Level = Your Level See Standard Guest Information for damage and SP costs. He costs SP. ATTACK #1 Hits: 1 Type: Melee Element: (Random) Damage: 103% Base, Random, and Stats each BTH: +0 plus Stats each Rate: 80% ATTACK #2 Hits: 4 Type: Melee Element: (Random) Damage: 48% Base, Random, and Stats each BTH: +0 plus Stats each Rate: 20% [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia/Pets-Guests/Urtran.gif[/image] Appendix: Numbers by Level Atk#1 Atk#2
Level Dmg Stat% BTH Dmg Stat% BTH SP
0 2-5 116 0 1-2 54 0 6
5 2-7 154 1 1-3 72 1 8
10 3-10 193 2 1-4 90 2 10
15 4-13 231 3 2-6 108 3 12
20 5-16 269 5 2-7 126 5 15
25 6-19 308 6 3-9 144 6 17
30 8-23 346 7 4-11 161 7 19
35 9-28 384 8 4-13 179 8 22
40 10-31 423 10 5-15 197 10 25
45 11-35 461 11 5-16 215 11 27
50 13-40 499 12 6-19 233 12 30
55 14-44 538 13 7-21 251 13 33
60 17-50 576 15 8-23 269 15 36
65 18-54 614 16 8-25 287 16 39
70 20-59 653 17 9-27 305 17 42
75 22-64 691 18 10-30 322 18 45
80 23-69 729 20 11-33 340 20 49
85 25-75 768 21 12-35 358 21 52
90 27-81 806 22 13-38 376 22 56
95 29-87 844 23 13-40 394 23 59
100 31-92 882 25 14-42 412 25 63
105 33-98 921 26 15-45 430 26 67
110 35-105 959 27 16-49 448 27 71
115 37-111 997 28 17-52 465 28 75
120 39-117 1036 30 18-55 483 30 79
125 41-124 1074 31 19-58 501 31 83
130 44-132 1112 32 21-62 519 32 87
135 46-139 1151 33 22-65 537 33 92
140 49-147 1189 35 23-69 555 35 96
145 52-154 1227 36 24-72 573 36 101
150 54-161 1266 37 25-75 591 37 105
Analysis All attacks deal *132/109 damage, to account for the weird elements. Attack#1 deals 75/88 damage. Attack#2 deals 140/88 damage.