Juggernaut battles (Full Version)

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State Alchemist -> Juggernaut battles (11/17/2011 11:43:23)

ok, facing lvl 31 varium users in jugg battles..WOW

facing lvl 30 var tact mercs was bad enough (tact merc OP'd class)

Now, I am seeing lvl 31 people. as more higher levels are added, juggernaut selection needs to be scaled properly or else at a certain point, it will be impossible

Stabilis -> RE: Juggernaut battles (11/17/2011 15:15:02)

LOL pretty soon you'll have yourself as a lv. 38 vs 2 lv. 35's!

The proportionalities are continually shrinking between match ups!

You know what this means don't you? Skill trees become more advanced! That and nerf nerf nerf!

seangchea -> RE: Juggernaut battles (11/17/2011 16:29:30)

hehehe ik, as a lv 31 tm i just own these juggers even if i have a lv 26 partner i literally destroy them 80% of the time i face them

nico0las -> RE: Juggernaut battles (11/17/2011 19:21:20)

Wow. We're actually getting a CHALLENGE in juggernaut?
There is clearly something wrong with the balance.

rej -> RE: Juggernaut battles (11/17/2011 20:17:11)

Yeah, i've been smart enough not to touch juggernuat since the level cap raise, for obvious reasons.

me Vs. 2 full var level 30's was more than enough to drive me away in the first place. but when you add 8 stats, and 2 extra damage to their primary, gun and zookas (total) it somply becomes outragious.

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