RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (Full Version)

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ND Mallet -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 21:05:58)

Here's the obvious answer on how this "pet" will work. It's going to be a living bot equipment. If they could implement pets then they would have to code in a slot for pets in battle and on your stat page and the release would take a few extra weeks to make sure the pet feature doesn't go "Blarghhh!!" all over the servers and melt them with rank fumes and whatever Yetis eat for lunch. It will probably increase with tech since I doubt bots can be improved by multiple stats. They were a combination of Skill Perks and Grenades so I doubt different bots can have different stats to improve with.

PenyihiR -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 22:02:46)

New Spot again ~
Kinda irritating

endtime -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/17/2011 23:21:40)

Since support builds got epicly nerfed and strength is now excessively powerful, a pet should improve with support. Not only does it make sense (because a pet is support), but it's difficult to combine support with strength or tank builds. Dex is a ridiculous idea because any good tank or strength build requires dex (otherwise blocks would be too frequent). Technology is not a good idea because robots already improve with technology. Meanwhile, the only edge support has is an aux that hits every 3 turns and luck at the cost of low defenses and everything else. This is a good opportunity to revive support builds and create more diversity in the game.

King FrostLich -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/18/2011 4:16:37)

If it was a "robot", it would fill in the 2 boxes for robot attacks or if it is a pet it would certainly go to the other slot next to the "Bot Special" box just like how the Harvest weapon special attack does.

rej -> RE: Pets=More Tank Builds? (11/18/2011 17:40:13)

Since tank is allready the best type of build (currently) very probobly!

i don't really care though. i just want the Yeti bot for it's adorable looks. :3

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